Process Mapping: a Tool with Many Uses

Essay by Jessica Brandt: “Traditionally, process maps are used when one is working on improving a process, but a good process map can serve many purposes. But what is a process map used for and why is this a tool worth learning about? A process map is a tool using a flowchart to illustrate the flow, people, as well as inputs, actions, and outputs of the process in a clear and detailed way. A good process map will reflect the work that is actually done within a given process, not what the intended or imagined workflow might entail. This means in order to build a good process map you should be talking to and learning from the folks that use the process every day, not just the people that oversee the process. Because I see the value behind having a good process map and the many ways you can utilize one to make your work more efficient I want to share with you some of the different ways you can use this versatile tool….(More)”.