Responsible Data for Children Goes Polyglot: New Translations of Principles & Resources Available

Responsible Data for Children Blog: “In 2018, UNICEF and The GovLab launched the Responsible Data for Children (RD4C) initiative with the aim of supporting organisations and practitioners in ensuring that the interest of children is put at the centre of any work involving data for and about them.

Since its inception, the RD4C initiative has aimed to be field-oriented, driven by the needs of both children and practitioners across sectors and contexts. It has done so by ensuring that actors from the data responsibility sphere are informed and engaged on the RD4C work.

We want them to know what responsible data for and about children entails, why it is important, and how they can realize it in their own work.

In this spirit, the RD4C initiative has started translating its resources into different languages. We would like anyone willing to enhance their responsible data handling practices for and about children to be equipped with resources they can understand. As a global effort, we want to guarantee anyone willing to share their expertise and contribute be given the opportunity to do it.

Importantly, we would like children around the world—including the most marginalised and vulnerable groups—to be aware of what they can expect from organisations handling data for and about them and to have the means to demand and enforce their rights.

Last month, we released the RD4C Video, which is now available in ArabicFrench and Spanish. Soon, the rest of the RD4C resources, such as our principlestools and case studies will be translated as well.”