Principles for effective beneficial ownership disclosure

Open Ownership: “The Open Ownership Principles (OO Principles) are a framework for considering the elements that influence whether the implementation of reforms to improve the transparency of the beneficial ownership of corporate vehicles will lead to effective beneficial ownership disclosure, that is, it generates high-quality and reliable data, maximising usability for users.

The OO Principles are intended to support governments implementing effective beneficial ownership transparency reforms and guide international institutions, civil society, and private sector actors in understanding and supporting reforms. They are a tool to identify and separate issues affecting implementation, and they provide a framework for assessing and improving existing disclosure regimes. If implemented together, the OO Principles enable disclosure systems to generate actionable and usable data across the widest range of policy applications of beneficial ownership data.

The nine principles are interdependent, but can be broadly grouped by the three main ways they improve data. The DefinitionCoverage, and Detail principles enable data disclosure and collection. The Central registerAccess, and Structured data principles facilitate data storage and auditability. Finally, the VerificationUp-to-date and historical records, and Sanctions and enforcement principles improve data quality and reliability….Download January 2023 version (translated versions are forthcoming)”