Federal Court Invalidates NYC Law Requiring Food Delivery Apps to Share Customer Data with Restaurants

Article by Hunton, Andrews, Kurth: “On September 24, 2024, a federal district court held that New York City’s “Customer Data Law” violates the First Amendment. Passed in the summer of 2021, the law requires food-delivery apps to share customer-specific data with restaurants that prepare delivered meals.

The New York City Council enacted the Customer Data Law to boost the local restaurant industry in the wake of the pandemic. The law requires food-delivery apps to provide restaurants (upon the restaurants’ request) with each diner’s full name, email address, phone number, delivery address, and order contents. Customers may opt out of such sharing. The law’s supporters argue that requiring such disclosure addresses exploitation by the delivery apps and helps restaurants advertise more effectively.

Normally, when a customer places an order through a food-delivery app, the app provides the restaurant with the customer’s first name, last initial and food order. Food-delivery apps share aggregate data analytics with restaurants but generally do not share customer-specific data beyond the information necessary to fulfill an order. Some apps, for example, provide restaurants with data related to their menu performance, customer feedback and daily operations.

Major food-delivery app companies challenged the Customer Data Law, arguing that its data sharing requirement compels speech impermissibly under the First Amendment. Siding with the apps, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York declared the city’s law invalid, holding that its data sharing requirement is not appropriately tailored to a substantial government interest…(More)”.

Climate and health data website launched

Article by Susan Cosier: “A new website of data resources, tools, and training materials that can aid researchers in studying the consequences of climate change on the health of communities nationwide is now available. At the end of July, NIEHS launched the Climate and Health Outcomes Research Data Systems (CHORDS) website, which includes a catalog of environmental and health outcomes data from various government and nongovernmental agencies.

The website provides a few resources of interest, including a catalog of data resources to aid researchers in finding relevant data for their specific research projects; an online training toolkit that provides tutorials and walk-throughs of downloading, integrating, and visualizing health and environmental data; a listing of publications of note on wildfire and health research; and links to existing resources, such as the NIEHS climate change and health glossary and literature portal.

The catalog includes a listing of dozens of data resources provided by different federal and state environmental and health sources. Users can sort the listing based on environmental and health measures of interest — such as specific air pollutants or chemicals — from data providers including NASA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency with many more to come…(More)”.

Rethinking ‘Checks and Balances’ for the A.I. Age

Article by Steve Lohr: “A new project, orchestrated by Stanford University and published on Tuesday, is inspired by the Federalist Papers and contends that today is a broadly similar historical moment of economic and political upheaval that calls for a rethinking of society’s institutional arrangements.

In an introduction to its collection of 12 essays, called the Digitalist Papers, the editors overseeing the project, including Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the Stanford Digital Economy Lab, and Condoleezza Rice, secretary of state in the George W. Bush administration and director of the Hoover Institution, identify their overarching concern.

“A powerful new technology, artificial intelligence,” they write, “explodes onto the scene and threatens to transform, for better or worse, all legacy social institutions.”

The most common theme in the diverse collection of essays: Citizens need to be more involved in determining how to regulate and incorporate A.I. into their lives. “To build A.I. for the people, with the people,” as one essay summed it up.

The project is being published as the technology is racing ahead. A.I. enthusiasts see a future of higher economic growth, increased prosperity and a faster pace of scientific discovery. But the technology is also raising fears of a dystopian alternative — A.I. chatbots and automated software not only replacing millions of workers, but also generating limitless misinformation and worsening political polarization. How to govern and guide A.I. in the public interest remains an open question…(More)”.

The satellite spectrum battle that could shape the new space economy

Article by Peggy Hollinger and Yasemin Craggs: “In early August, when corporate activity was in a summer lull, Elon Musk’s SpaceX quietly opened up a new front in a global battle over a scarce and precious resource: radio spectrum.

Its target was an obscure international regulation governing the way spectrum, the invisible highway of electromagnetic waves that enables all wireless technology, is shared by satellite operators in different orbits. And the chosen weapon was the US regulator, the Federal Communications Commission. 

On August 9, SpaceX petitioned the FCC to loosen globally agreed power limits on transmissions from operators like itself in low Earth orbit, the region of space up to 2,000km above the planet’s surface set to be a pivotal arena in the future of communication, transportation and defence.

The so-called equivalent power flux density rules were set more than 20 years ago to ensure signals from low Earth orbit did not interfere with those from systems in higher geostationary, or fixed, orbit.

SpaceX, which owns the world’s fastest-growing satellite broadband network, Starlink, told the regulator that these “antiquated power restrictions” were unfit for “the modern space age”. It went on to charge that the international process governing the rules had been hijacked by an alliance between the operators of older, geostationary systems and “America’s staunchest adversaries”. 

At stake was “US global competitiveness in the new space economy” and the future of satellite communication, it said. 

SpaceX’s broadside was the second attempt in less than a year to win a revision of these highly technical rules. Nine months ago at the World Radiocommunication Conference, where regulations governing spectrum use are decided, SpaceX and Project Kuiper — Amazon’s attempt to build a rival to Musk’s system — lost an initial attempt to win global support for a change to the power restrictions. 

Graphic explaining how radio interference can affect satellites

Although many in the industry believe a revision is long overdue, the discussions were tense and divisive, according to participants.

On one side were the upstart tech companies whose low Earth orbit satellite networks are threatening the business models of longer-established competitors with high-speed, low-latency broadband services…(More)”.

Building Power, Safety, and Trust in Virtual Communities

Book edited by Dina Darwish: “Virtual communities are a new frontier in the digital landscape. While these spaces are only in their infancy, it will not be long before they become a part of much of the population’s daily life. Before that becomes the case, it is important that we instill guidelines and parameters to ensure that those interacting with these digital spaces feel safe within them and are able to use them to their fullest capacity.

Building Power, Safety, and Trust in Virtual Communities examines how online groups help people learn and change the way they think. In this book, different people with different academic backgrounds, methods, and personal experience with virtual groups look at this question. Case studies are included to help exemplify these findings. Together, these chapters discuss how virtual communities are built in ways that thinkers, researchers, and practitioners can understand…(More)”.

Crowdfunding Education

Article by Victoria Goldiee: “Nigeria’s education system has declined due to inadequate funding and facilities, low admission rates, and a nationwide shortage of qualified teachers. Consequently, receiving a quality education has become a privilege only accessible to families with financial means. According to research by the Nigeria Education and Training Services Industry, 49 percent of Nigeria’s youth enter into trade apprenticeships or expatriate to pursue a better education. In fact, Nigeria has the highest percentage of its students overseas of any African nation.

In February 2016, social entrepreneur Bola Lawal turned to crowdfunding to make educational opportunities accessible to Nigerians. He founded ScholarX as the vehicle to realize this mission through taking advantage of the largely untapped market of unclaimed scholarships, educational grants, and philanthropic donations for African students. The X in ScholarX represents the missing value and recognition that Nigerian youth deserve for their dedication to academic achievement.

“The idea for ScholarX came from the conversation with my friends on our shared experiences,” Lawal recounts, “because I also had difficulty paying for school like millions of Nigerians.” He adds that he was “even suspended from school because” of his inability to pay the tuition fee.

Like Lawal, more than 100,000 Nigerian students overseas rely on scholarships, many of which are backed either by oil and gas companies that aim to recruit students into the industry or by federal government grants for local students. But in recent years, these scholarships have been scaled back or scrapped altogether because of the ongoing economic crisis and recession. The crash of the foreign exchange rate of Nigeria’s currency, the naira, has further threatened the prospects of Nigeria’s overseas students, leaving many unable to pay tuition…(More)”

Need for Co-creating Urban Data Collaborative

Blog by Gaurav Godhwani: “…The Government of India has initiated various urban reforms for our cities like — Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 (AMRUT 2.0), Smart Cities Mission (SCM), Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 (SBM-Urban 2.0) and development of Urban & Industrial Corridors. To help empower cities with data, the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs(MoHUA) has also launched various data initiatives including — DataSmart Cities StrategyData Maturity Assessment FrameworkSmart Cities Open Data PortalCity Innovation Exchange, India Urban Data Exchange and the India Urban Observatory.

Unfortunately, most of the urban data remains in silos and capacities for our cities to harness urban data to improve decision-making, strengthen citizen participation continues to be limited. As per the last Data Maturity Assessment Framework (DMAF) assessment conducted in November 2020 by MoHUA, among 100 smart cities only 45 cities have drafted/ approved their City Data Policies with just 32 cities having a dedicated data budget in 2020–21 for data-related activities. Moreover, in-terms of fostering data collaborations, only 12 cities formed data alliances to achieve tangible outcomes. We hope smart cities continue this practice by conducting a yearly self-assessment to progress in their journey to harness data for improving their urban planning.

Seeding Urban Data Collaborative to advance City-level Data Engagements

There is a need to bring together a diverse set of stakeholders including governments, civil societies, academia, businesses and startups, volunteer groups and more to share and exchange urban data in a secure, standardised and interoperable manner, deriving more value from re-using data for participatory urban development. Along with improving data sharing among these stakeholders, it is necessary to regularly convene, ideate and conduct capacity building sessions and institutionalise data practices.

Urban Data Collaborative can bring together such diverse stakeholders who could address some of these perennial challenges in the ecosystem while spurring innovation…(More)”

Improving Governance Outcomes Through AI Documentation: Bridging Theory and Practice 

Report by Amy Winecoff, and Miranda Bogen: “AI documentation is a foundational tool for governing AI systems, via both stakeholders within and outside AI organizations. It offers a range of stakeholders insight into how AI systems are developed, how they function, and what risks they may pose. For example, it might help internal model development, governance, compliance, and quality assurance teams communicate about and manage risk throughout the development and deployment lifecycle. Documentation can also help external technology developers determine what testing they should perform on models they incorporate into their products, or it could guide users on whether or not to adopt a technology. While documentation is essential for effective AI governance, its success depends on how well organizations tailor their documentation approaches to meet the diverse needs of stakeholders, including technical teams, policymakers, users, and other downstream consumers of the documentation.

This report synthesizes findings from an in-depth analysis of academic and gray literature on documentation, encompassing 37 proposed methods for documenting AI data, models, systems, and processes, along with 21 empirical studies evaluating the impact and challenges of implementing documentation. Through this synthesis, we identify key theoretical mechanisms through which AI documentation can enhance governance outcomes. These mechanisms include informing stakeholders about the intended use, limitations, and risks of AI systems; facilitating cross-functional collaboration by bridging different teams; prompting ethical reflection among developers; and reinforcing best practices in development and governance. However, empirical evidence offers mixed support for these mechanisms, indicating that documentation practices can be more effectively designed to achieve these goals…(More)”.

China’s Hinterland Becomes A Critical Datascape

Article by Gary Zhexi Zhang: “In 2014, the southwestern province of Guizhou, a historically poor and mountainous area, beat out rival regions to become China’s first “Big Data Comprehensive Pilot Zone,” as part of a national directive to develop the region — which is otherwise best known as an exporter of tobacco, spirits and coal — into the infrastructural backbone of the country’s data industry. Since then, vast investment has poured into the province. Thousands of miles of highway and high-speed rail tunnel through the mountains. Driving through the province can feel vertiginous: Of the hundred highest bridges in the world, almost half are in Guizhou, and almost all were built in the last 15 years.

In 2015, Xi Jinping visited Gui’an New Area to inaugurate the province’s transformation into China’s “Big Data Valley,” exemplifying the central government’s goal to establish “high quality social and economic development,” ubiquitously advertised through socialist-style slogans plastered on highways and city streets…(More)”.

Why Is There Data?

Paper by David Sisson and Ilan Ben-Meir: “In order for data to become truly valuable (and truly useful), that data must first be processed. The question animating this essay is thus a straightforward one: What sort of processing must data undergo, in order to become valuable? While the question may be obvious, its answers are anything but; indeed, reaching them will require us to pose, answer – and then revise our answers to – several other questions that will prove trickier than they first appear: Why is data valuable – what is it for? What is “data”? And what does “working with data” actually involve?…(More)”