Data sharing restrictions are hampering precision health in the European Union

Paper by Cristina Legido-Quigley et al: “Contemporary healthcare is undergoing a transition, shifting from a population-based approach to personalized medicine on an individual level. In October 2023, the European Partnership for Personalized Medicine was officially launched to communicate the benefits of this approach to citizens and healthcare systems in member countries. The main debate revolves around the inconsistency in regulatory changes within personal data access and its potential commercialization. Moreover, the lack of unified consensus within European Union (EU) countries is leading to problems with data sharing to progress personalized medicine. Here we discuss the integration of biological data with personal information on a European scale for the advancement of personalized medicine, raising legal considerations of data protection under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)…(More)”.

Artificial Intelligence Narratives

A Global Voices Report: “…Framing AI systems as intelligent is further complicated and intertwined with neighboring narratives. In the US, AI narratives often revolve around opposing themes such as hope and fear, often bridging two strong emotions: existential fears and economic aspirations. In either case, they propose that the technology is powerful. These narratives contribute to the hype surrounding AI tools and their potential impact on society. Some examples include:

Many of these framings often present AI as an unstoppable and accelerating force. While this narrative can generate excitement and investment in AI research, it can also contribute to a sense of technological determinism and a lack of critical engagement with the consequences of widespread AI adoption. Counter-narratives are many and expand on the motifs of surveillance, erosions of trust, bias, job impacts, exploitation of labor, high-risk uses, the concentration of power, and environmental impacts, among others.

These narrative frames, combined with the metaphorical language and imagery used to describe AI, contribute to the confusion and lack of public knowledge about the technology. By positioning AI as a transformative, inevitable, and necessary tool for national success, these narratives can shape public opinion and policy decisions, often in ways that prioritize rapid adoption and commercialization…(More)”

Why Canada needs to embrace innovations in democracy

Article by Megan Mattes and Joanna Massie: “Although one-off democratic innovations like citizens’ assemblies are excellent approaches for tackling a big issue, more embedded types of innovations could be a powerful tool for maintaining an ongoing connection between public interest and political decision-making.

Innovative approaches to maintaining an ongoing, meaningful connection between people and policymakers are underway. In New Westminster, B.C., a standing citizen body called the Community Advisory Assembly has been convened since January 2024 to January 2025.

These citizen advisers are selected through random sampling to ensure the assembly’s demographic makeup is aligned with the overall population.

Over the last year, members have both given input on policy ideas initiated by New Westminster city council and initiated conversations on their own policy priorities. Notes from these discussions are passed on to council and city staff to consider their incorporation into policymaking.

The question is whether the project will live beyond its pilot.

Another similar and hopeful democratic innovation, the City of Toronto’s Planning Review Panel, ran for two terms before it was cancelled. In contrast, both the Paris city council and the state government of Ostbelgien (East Belgium) have convened permanent citizen advisory bodies to work alongside elected officials.

While public opinion is only one ingredient in government decision-making, ensuring democratic innovations are a standard component of policymaking could go a long way to enshrining public dialogue as a valuable governance tool.

Whether through annual participatory budgeting exercises or a standing citizen advisory body, democratic innovations can make public priorities a key focus of policy and restore government accountability to citizens…(More)”.

Information Ecosystems and Troubled Democracy

Report by the Observatory on Information and Democracy: “This inaugural meta-analysis provides a critical assessment of the role of information ecosystems in the Global North and Global Majority World, focusing on their relationship with information integrity (the quality of public discourse), the fairness of political processes, the protection of media freedoms, and the resilience of public institutions.

The report addresses three thematic areas with a cross-cutting theme of mis- and disinformation:

  • Media, Politics and Trust;
  • Artificial Intelligence, Information Ecosystems and Democracy;
  • and Data Governance and Democracy.

The analysis is based mainly on academic publications supplemented by reports and other materials from different disciplines and regions (1,664 citations selected among a total corpus of over +2700 resources aggregated). The report showcases what we can learn from landmark research on often intractable challenges posed by rapid changes in information and communication spaces…(More)”.

Generative Artificial Intelligence and Open Data: Guidelines and Best Practices

US Department of Commerce: “…This guidance provides actionable guidelines and best practices for publishing open data optimized for generative AI systems. While it is designed for use by the Department of Commerce and its bureaus, this guidance has been made publicly available to benefit open data publishers globally…(More)”. See also: A Fourth Wave of Open Data? Exploring the Spectrum of Scenarios for Open Data and Generative AI

What’s a Fact, Anyway?

Essay by Fergus McIntosh: “…For journalists, as for anyone, there are certain shortcuts to trustworthiness, including reputation, expertise, and transparency—the sharing of sources, for example, or the prompt correction of errors. Some of these shortcuts are more perilous than others. Various outfits, positioning themselves as neutral guides to the marketplace of ideas, now tout evaluations of news organizations’ trustworthiness, but relying on these requires trusting in the quality and objectivity of the evaluation. Official data is often taken at face value, but numbers can conceal motives: think of the dispute over how to count casualties in recent conflicts. Governments, meanwhile, may use their powers over information to suppress unfavorable narratives: laws originally aimed at misinformation, many enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, can hinder free expression. The spectre of this phenomenon is fuelling a growing backlash in America and elsewhere.

Although some categories of information may come to be considered inherently trustworthy, these, too, are in flux. For decades, the technical difficulty of editing photographs and videos allowed them to be treated, by most people, as essentially incontrovertible. With the advent of A.I.-based editing software, footage and imagery have swiftly become much harder to credit. Similar tools are already used to spoof voices based on only seconds of recorded audio. For anyone, this might manifest in scams (your grandmother calls, but it’s not Grandma on the other end), but for a journalist it also puts source calls into question. Technologies of deception tend to be accompanied by ones of detection or verification—a battery of companies, for example, already promise that they can spot A.I.-manipulated imagery—but they’re often locked in an arms race, and they never achieve total accuracy. Though chatbots and A.I.-enabled search engines promise to help us with research (when a colleague “interviewed” ChatGPT, it told him, “I aim to provide information that is as neutral and unbiased as possible”), their inability to provide sourcing, and their tendency to hallucinate, looks more like a shortcut to nowhere, at least for now. The resulting problems extend far beyond media: election campaigns, in which subtle impressions can lead to big differences in voting behavior, feel increasingly vulnerable to deepfakes and other manipulations by inscrutable algorithms. Like everyone else, journalists have only just begun to grapple with the implications.

In such circumstances, it becomes difficult to know what is true, and, consequently, to make decisions. Good journalism offers a way through, but only if readers are willing to follow: trust and naïveté can feel uncomfortably close. Gaining and holding that trust is hard. But failure—the end point of the story of generational decay, of gold exchanged for dross—is not inevitable. Fact checking of the sort practiced at The New Yorker is highly specific and resource-intensive, and it’s only one potential solution. But any solution must acknowledge the messiness of truth, the requirements of attention, the way we squint to see more clearly. It must tell you to say what you mean, and know that you mean it…(More)”.

AI for Social Good

Essay by Iqbal Dhaliwal: “Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform our lives. Like the internet, it’s a general-purpose technology that spans sectors, is widely accessible, has a low marginal cost of adding users, and is constantly improving. Tech companies are rapidly deploying more capable AI models that are seeping into our personal lives and work.

AI is also swiftly penetrating the social sector. Governments, social enterprises, and NGOs are infusing AI into programs, while public treasuries and donors are working hard to understand where to invest. For example, AI is being deployed to improve health diagnostics, map flood-prone areas for better relief targeting, grade students’ essays to free up teachers’ time for student interaction, assist governments in detecting tax fraud, and enable agricultural extension workers to customize advice.

But the social sector is also rife with examples over the past two decades of technologies touted as silver bullets that fell short of expectations, including One Laptop Per ChildSMS reminders to take medication, and smokeless stoves to reduce indoor air pollution. To avoid a similar fate, AI-infused programs must incorporate insights from years of evidence generated by rigorous impact evaluations and be scaled in an informed way through concurrent evaluations.

Specifically, implementers of such programs must pay attention to three elements. First, they must use research insights on where AI is likely to have the greatest social impact. Decades of research using randomized controlled trials and other exacting empirical work provide us with insights across sectors on where and how AI can play the most effective role in social programs.

Second, they must incorporate research lessons on how to effectively infuse AI into existing social programs. We have decades of research on when and why technologies succeed or fail in the social sector that can help guide AI adopters (governments, social enterprises, NGOs), tech companies, and donors to avoid pitfalls and design effective programs that work in the field.

Third, we must promote the rigorous evaluation of AI in the social sector so that we disseminate trustworthy information about what works and what does not. We must motivate adopters, tech companies, and donors to conduct independent, rigorous, concurrent impact evaluations of promising AI applications across social sectors (including impact on workers themselves); draw insights emerging across multiple studies; and disseminate those insights widely so that the benefits of AI can be maximized and its harms understood and minimized. Taking these steps can also help build trust in AI among social sector players and program participants more broadly…(More)”.

What Could Citizens’ Assemblies Do for American Politics?

Essay by Nick Romeo: “Last July, an unusual letter arrived at Kathryn Kundmueller’s mobile home, in central Oregon. It invited her to enter a lottery that would select thirty residents of Deschutes County to deliberate for five days on youth homelessness—a visible and contentious issue in an area where the population and cost of living have spiked in recent years. Those chosen would be paid for their time—almost five hundred dollars—and asked to develop specific policy recommendations.

Kundmueller was being invited to join what is known as a citizens’ assembly. These gatherings do what most democracies only pretend to: trust normal people to make decisions on difficult policy questions. Many citizens’ assemblies follow a basic template. They impanel a random but representative cross-section of a population, give them high-quality information on a topic, and ask them to work together to reach a decision. In Europe, such groups have helped spur reform of the Irish constitution in order to legalize abortion, guided an Austrian pharmaceutical heiress on how to give away her wealth, and become a regular part of government in Paris and Belgium. Though still rare in America, the model reflects the striking idea that fundamental problems of politics—polarization, apathy, manipulation by special interests—can be transformed through radically direct democracy.

Kundmueller, who is generally frustrated by politics, was intrigued by the letter. She liked the prospect of helping to shape local policy, and the topic of housing insecurity had a particular resonance for her. As a teen-ager, following a falling-out with her father, she spent months bouncing between friends’ couches in Vermont. When she moved across the country to San Jose, after college, she lived in her car for a time while she searched for a stable job. She worked in finance but became disillusioned; now in her early forties, she ran a small housecleaning business. She still thought about living in a van and renting out her mobile home to save money…(More)”.

Which Health Facilities Have Been Impacted by L.A.-Area Fires? AI May Paint a Clearer Picture

Article by Andrew Schroeder: “One of the most important factors for humanitarian responders in these types of large-scale disaster situations is to understand the effects on the formal health system, upon which most people — and vulnerable communities in particular — rely upon in their neighborhoods. Evaluation of the impact of disasters on individual structures, including critical infrastructure such as health facilities, is traditionally a relatively slow and manually arduous process, involving extensive ground truth visitation by teams of assessment professionals.

Speeding up this process without losing accuracy, while potentially improving the safety and efficiency of assessment teams, is among the more important analytical efforts Direct Relief can undertake for response and recovery efforts. Manual assessments can now be effectively paired with AI-based analysis of satellite imagery to do just that…

With the advent of geospatial AI models trained on disaster damage impacts, ground assessment is not the only tool available to response agencies and others seeking to understand how much damage has occurred and the degree to which that damage may affect essential services for communities. The work of the Oregon State University team of experts in remote sensing-based post-disaster damage detection, led by Jamon Van Den Hoek and Corey Scher, was featured in the Financial Times on January 9.

Their modeling, based on Sentinel-1 satellite imagery, identified 21,757 structures overall, of which 11,124 were determined to have some level of damage. The Oregon State model does not distinguish between different levels of damage, and therefore cannot respond to certain types of questions that the manual inspections can respond to, but nevertheless the coverage area and the speed of detection have been much greater…(More)”.

Governance of Indigenous data in open earth systems science

Paper by Lydia Jennings et al: “In the age of big data and open science, what processes are needed to follow open science protocols while upholding Indigenous Peoples’ rights? The Earth Data Relations Working Group (EDRWG), convened to address this question and envision a research landscape that acknowledges the legacy of extractive practices and embraces new norms across Earth science institutions and open science research. Using the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) as an example, the EDRWG recommends actions, applicable across all phases of the data lifecycle, that recognize the sovereign rights of Indigenous Peoples and support better research across all Earth Sciences…(More)”