New Data Browser on education, science, and culture

UNESCO: “The UIS is excited to introduce the new UIS Data Browser, which brings together all our data on education, science, and culture, making it a convenient resource for everyone, from policymakers to researchers.

With a refreshed interface, users can easily view and download customized data for their needs. The new browser also offers better tools for exploring metadata and documentation. Plus, the browser has great visualization features. You can filter indicators by country or region and create line or bar charts to see trends over time. It’s easy to share your findings on social media, too!

For those who like to dive deeper, a web-based UIS Data Application Programming Interface (API) allows for more technical data extraction for use in reports and applications. The UIS Data API provides access to all education, science, and culture data available on the UIS data browser through HTTP requests. It allows for the regular retrieval of data for custom analysis, visualizations, and applications…(More)”.