How Your Car Might Be Making Roads Safer

Article by Kashmir Hill: “Darcy Bullock, a civil engineering professor at Purdue University, turns to his computer screen to get information about how fast cars are traveling on Interstate 65, which runs 887 miles from Lake Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico. It’s midafternoon on a Monday, and his screen is mostly filled with green dots indicating that traffic is moving along nicely. But near an exit on the outskirts of Indianapolis, an angry red streak shows that cars have stopped moving.

A traffic camera nearby reveals the cause: A car has spun out, causing gridlock.

In recent years, vehicles that have wireless connectivity have become a critical source of information for transportation departments and for academics who study traffic patterns. The data these vehicles emit — including speed, how hard they brake and accelerate, and even if their windshield wipers are on — can offer insights into dangerous road conditions, congestion or poorly timed traffic signals.

“Our cars know more about our roads than agencies do,” said Dr. Bullock, who regularly works with the Indiana Department of Transportation to conduct studies on how to reduce traffic congestion and increase road safety. He credits connected-car data with detecting hazards that would have taken years — and many accidents — to find in the past.

The data comes primarily from commercial trucks and from cars made by General Motors that are enrolled in OnStar, G.M.’s internet-connected service. (Drivers know OnStar as the service that allows them to lock their vehicles from a smartphone app or find them if they have been stolen.) Federal safety guidelines require commercial truck drivers to be routinely monitored, but people driving G.M. vehicles may be surprised to know that their data is being collected, though it is indicated in the fine print of the company’s privacy policy…(More)”.

Philanthropy by the Numbers

Essay by Aaron Horvath: “Foundations make grants conditional on demonstrable results. Charities tout the evidentiary basis of their work. And impact consultants play both sides: assisting funders in their pursuit of rational beneficence and helping grantees translate the jumble of reality into orderly, spreadsheet-ready metrics.

Measurable impact has crept into everyday understandings of charity as well. There’s the extensive (often fawning) news coverage of data-crazed billionaire philanthropists, so-called thought leaders exhorting followers to rethink their contributions to charity, and popular books counseling that intuition and sentiment are poor guides for making the world a better place. Putting ideas into action, charity evaluators promote research-backed listings of the most impactful nonprofits. Why give to your local food bank when there’s one in Somerville, Massachusetts, with a better rating?

Over the past thirty years, amid a larger crisis of civic engagement, social isolation, and political alienation, measurable impact has seeped into our civic imagination and become one of the guiding ideals for public-spirited beneficence. And while its proponents do not always agree on how best to achieve or measure the extent of that impact, they have collectively recast civic engagement as objective, pragmatic, and above the fray of politics—a triumph of the head over the heart. But how did we get here? And what happens to our capacity for meaningful collective action when we think of civic life in such depersonalized and quantified terms?…(More)”.

Humanitarian Mapping with WhatsApp: Introducing ChatMap

Article by Emilio Mariscal: “…After some exploration, I came up with an idea: what if we could export chat conversations and extract the location data along with the associated messages? The solution would involve a straightforward application where users can upload their exported chats and instantly generate a map displaying all shared locations and messages. No business accounts or complex integrations would be required—just a simple, ready-to-use tool from day one.

ChatMap — — is a straightforward and simple mapping solution that leverages WhatsApp, an application used by 2.78 billion people worldwide. Its simplicity and accessibility make it an effective tool for communities with limited technical knowledge. And it even works offline! as it relies on the GPS signal for location, sending all data with the phone to gather connectivity.

This solution provides complete independence, as it does not require users to adopt a technology that depends on third-party maintenance. It’s a simple data flow with an equally straightforward script that can be improved by anyone interested on GitHub.

We’re already using it! Recently, as part of a community mapping project to assess the risks in the slopes of Comuna 8 in Medellín, an area vulnerable to repeated flooding, a group of students and local collectives collaborated with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) to map areas affected by landslides and other disaster impacts. This initiative facilitated the identification and characterization of settlements, supporting humanitarian aid efforts.

Humanitarian Mapping ChatMap.jpg
Photo by Daniela Arbeláez Suárez (source: WhatsApp)

As shown in the picture, the community explored the area on foot, using their phones to take photos and notes, and shared them along with the location. It was incredibly simple!

The data gathered during this activity was transformed 20 minutes later (once getting access to a WIFI network) into a map, which was then uploaded to our online platform powered by uMap (…(More)”.

Humanitarian Mapping ChatMap WhatsApp Colombia.jpg
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It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times: The Dual Realities of Data Access in the Age of Generative AI

Article by Stefaan Verhulst: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” –Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens’s famous line captures the contradictions of the present moment in the world of data. On the one hand, data has become central to addressing humanity’s most pressing challenges — climate change, healthcare, economic development, public policy, and scientific discovery. On the other hand, despite the unprecedented quantity of data being generated, significant obstacles remain to accessing and reusing it. As our digital ecosystems evolve, including the rapid advances in artificial intelligence, we find ourselves both on the verge of a golden era of open data and at risk of slipping deeper into a restrictive “data winter.”

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (1902)

These two realities are concurrent: the challenges posed by growing restrictions on data reuse, and the countervailing potential brought by advancements in privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), synthetic data, and data commons approaches. It argues that while current trends toward closed data ecosystems threaten innovation, new technologies and frameworks could lead to a “Fourth Wave of Open Data,” potentially ushering in a new era of data accessibility and collaboration…(More)” (First Published in Industry Data for Society Partnership’s (IDSP) 2024 Year in Review).

My Voice, Your Voice, Our Voice: Attitudes Towards Collective Governance of a Choral AI Dataset

Paper by Jennifer Ding, Eva Jäger, Victoria Ivanova, and Mercedes Bunz: “Data grows in value when joined and combined; likewise the power of voice grows in ensemble. With 15 UK choirs, we explore opportunities for bottom-up data governance of a jointly created Choral AI Dataset. Guided by a survey of chorister attitudes towards generative AI models trained using their data, we explore opportunities to create empowering governance structures that go beyond opt in and opt out. We test the development of novel mechanisms such as a Trusted Data Intermediary (TDI) to enable governance of the dataset amongst the choirs and AI developers. We hope our findings can contribute to growing efforts to advance collective data governance practices and shape a more creative, empowering future for arts communities in the generative AI ecosystem…(More)”.

Social licence for health data

Evidence Brief by NSW Government: “Social licence, otherwise referred to as social licence to operate, refers to an approval or consensus from the society members or the community for the users, either as a public or private enterprise or individual, to use their health data as desired or accepted under certain conditions. Social licence is a dynamic and fluid concept and is subject to change over time often influenced by societal and contextual factors.
The social licence is usually indicated through ongoing engagement and negotiations with the public and is not a contract with strict terms and conditions. It is, rather, a moral and ethical responsibility assumed by the data users based on trust and legitimacy, It supplements the techno-legal mechanisms to regulate the use of data.
For example, through public engagement, certain values and principles can emerge as pertinent to public support for using their data. Similarly, the public may view certain activities relating to their data use as acceptable and beneficial, implying their permission for certain activities or usecase scenarios. Internationally, although not always explicitly referred to as a social licence, the most common approach to establishing public trust and support and identifying common grounds or agreements on acceptable practices for use of data is through public engagement. Engagement methods and mechanisms for gaining public perspectives vary across countries (Table 1).
− Canada – Health Data Research Network Canada reports on social licence for uses of health data, based on deliberative discussions with 20 experienced public and patient advisors. The output is a list of agreements and disagreements on what uses and users of health data have social licence.
− New Zealand – In 2022, the Ministry of Health commissioned a survey on public perceptions on use of personal health information. This report identified conditions under which the public supports the re-use of their data…(More)”.

Rethinking the Measurement of Resilience for
Food and Nutrition Security

Paper by John M. Ulimwengu: “This paper presents a novel framework for assessing resilience in food systems, focusing on three dynamic metrics: return time, magnitude of deviation, and recovery rate. Traditional resilience measures have often relied on static and composite indicators, creating gaps in understanding the complex responses of food systems to shocks. This framework addresses these gaps, providing a more nuanced assessment of resilience in agrifood sectors. It highlights how integrating dynamic metrics enables policymakers to design tailored, sector-specific interventions that enhance resilience. Recognizing the data intensity required for these metrics, the paper indicates how emerging satellite imagery and advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) can make data collection both high-frequency and location-specific, at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. These technologies facilitate a scalable approach to resilience measurement, enhancing the accuracy, timeliness, and accessibility of resilience data. The paper concludes with recommendations for refining resilience tools and adapting policy frameworks to better respond to the increasing challenges faced by food systems across the world…(More)”.

Setting the Standard: Statistical Agencies’ Unique Role in Building Trustworthy AI

Article by Corinna Turbes: “As our national statistical agencies grapple with new challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI), many agencies face intense pressure to embrace generative AI as a way to reach new audiences and demonstrate technological relevance. However, the rush to implement generative AI applications risks undermining these agencies’ fundamental role as authoritative data sources. Statistical agencies’ foundational mission—producing and disseminating high-quality, authoritative statistical information—requires a more measured approach to AI adoption.

Statistical agencies occupy a unique and vital position in our data ecosystem, entrusted with creating the reliable statistics that form the backbone of policy decisions, economic planning, and social research. The work of these agencies demands exceptional precision, transparency, and methodological rigor. Implementation of generative AI interfaces, while technologically impressive, could inadvertently compromise the very trust and accuracy that make these agencies indispensable.

While public-facing interfaces play a valuable role in democratizing access to statistical information, statistical agencies need not—and often should not—rely on generative AI to be effective in that effort. For statistical agencies, an extractive AI approach – which retrieves and presents existing information from verified databases rather than generating new content – offers a more appropriate path forward. By pulling from verified, structured datasets and providing precise, accurate responses, extractive AI systems can maintain the high standards of accuracy required while making statistical information more accessible to users who may find traditional databases overwhelming. An extractive, rather than generative,  approach allows agencies to modernize data delivery while preserving their core mission of providing reliable, verifiable statistical information…(More)”

Revealed: bias found in AI system used to detect UK benefits fraud

Article by Robert Booth: “An artificial intelligence system used by the UK government to detect welfare fraud is showing bias according to people’s age, disability, marital status and nationality, the Guardian can reveal.

An internal assessment of a machine-learning programme used to vet thousands of claims for universal credit payments across England found it incorrectly selected people from some groups more than others when recommending whom to investigate for possible fraud.

The admission was made in documents released under the Freedom of Information Act by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The “statistically significant outcome disparity” emerged in a “fairness analysis” of the automated system for universal credit advances carried out in February this year.

The emergence of the bias comes after the DWP this summer claimed the AI system “does not present any immediate concerns of discrimination, unfair treatment or detrimental impact on customers”.

This assurance came in part because the final decision on whether a person gets a welfare payment is still made by a human, and officials believe the continued use of the system – which is attempting to help cut an estimated £8bn a year lost in fraud and error – is “reasonable and proportionate”.

But no fairness analysis has yet been undertaken in respect of potential bias centring on race, sex, sexual orientation and religion, or pregnancy, maternity and gender reassignment status, the disclosures reveal.

Campaigners responded by accusing the government of a “hurt first, fix later” policy and called on ministers to be more open about which groups were likely to be wrongly suspected by the algorithm of trying to cheat the system…(More)”.

The Collaboration Playbook: A leader’s guide to cross-sector collaboration

Playbook by Ian Taylor and Nigel Ball: “The challenges facing our societies and economies today are so large and complex that, in many cases, cross-sector collaboration is not a choice, but an imperative. Yet collaboration remains elusive for many, often being put into the ‘too hard’ category. This playbook offers guidance on how we can seize collaboration opportunities successfully and rise to the challenges.

The recommendations in the playbook were informed by academic literature and practitioner experience. Rather than offer a procedural, step-by-step guide, this playbook offers provoking questions and frameworks that applies to different situations and objectives. While formal aspects such as contracts and procedures are well understood, it was found that what was needed was guidance on the intangible elements, sometimes referred to as ‘positive chemistry’. The significance of aspects like leadership, trust, culture, learning and power in cross-sector collaborations can be the game-changers for productive endeavours but are hard to get right.

Structured around these five key themes, the playbook presents 18 discreet ‘plays’ for effective collaboration. The plays allow the reader to delve into specific areas of interest to gain a deeper understanding of what it means for their collaborative work.

The intention of the playbook is to provide a resource that informs and guides cross-sector leaders. It will be especially relevant for those working in, and partnering with, central and local government in an effort to improve social outcomes…(More)”.