Paper by Sarah Ahannach et al: “Women’s health research is receiving increasing attention globally, but considerable knowledge gaps remain. Across many fields of research, active involvement of citizens in science has emerged as a promising strategy to help align scientific research with societal needs. Citizen science offers researchers the opportunity for large-scale sampling and data acquisition while engaging the public in a co-creative approach that solicits their input on study aims, research design, data gathering and analysis. Here, we argue that citizen science has the potential to generate new data and insights that advance women’s health. Based on our experience with the international Isala project, which used a citizen-science approach to study the female microbiome and its influence on health, we address key challenges and lessons for generating a holistic, community-centered approach to women’s health research. We advocate for interdisciplinary collaborations to fully leverage citizen science in women’s health toward a more inclusive research landscape that amplifies underrepresented voices, challenges taboos around intimate health topics and prioritizes women’s involvement in shaping health research agendas…(More)”.
How cities are reinventing the public-private partnership − 4 lessons from around the globe
Article by Debra Lam: “Cities tackle a vast array of responsibilities – from building transit networks to running schools – and sometimes they can use a little help. That’s why local governments have long teamed up with businesses in so-called public-private partnerships. Historically, these arrangements have helped cities fund big infrastructure projects such as bridges and hospitals.
However, our analysis and research show an emerging trend with local governments engaged in private-sector collaborations – what we have come to describe as “community-centered, public-private partnerships,” or CP3s. Unlike traditional public-private partnerships, CP3s aren’t just about financial investments; they leverage relationships and trust. And they’re about more than just building infrastructure; they’re about building resilient and inclusive communities.
As the founding executive director of the Partnership for Inclusive Innovation, based out of the Georgia Institute of Technology, I’m fascinated with CP3s. And while not all CP3s are successful, when done right they offer local governments a powerful tool to navigate the complexities of modern urban life.
Together with international climate finance expert Andrea Fernández of the urban climate leadership group C40, we analyzed community-centered, public-private partnerships across the world and put together eight case studies. Together, they offer valuable insights into how cities can harness the power of CP3s.
4 keys to success
Although we looked at partnerships forged in different countries and contexts, we saw several elements emerge as critical to success over and over again.
• 1. Clear mission and vision: It’s essential to have a mission that resonates with everyone involved. Ruta N in Medellín, Colombia, for example, transformed the city into a hub of innovation, attracting 471 technology companies and creating 22,500 jobs.
This vision wasn’t static. It evolved in response to changing local dynamics, including leadership priorities and broader global trends. However, the core mission of entrepreneurship, investment and innovation remained clear and was embraced by all key stakeholders, driving the partnership forward.
2. Diverse and engaged partners: Successful CP3s rely on the active involvement of a wide range of partners, each bringing their unique expertise and resources to the table. In the U.K., for example, the Hull net-zero climate initiative featured a partnership that included more than 150 companies, many small and medium-size. This diversity of partners was crucial to the initiative’s success because they could leverage resources and share risks, enabling it to address complex challenges from multiple angles.
Similarly, Malaysia’s Think City engaged community-based organizations and vulnerable populations in its Penang climate adaptation program. This ensured that the partnership was inclusive and responsive to the needs of all citizens…(More)”.
Navigating the AI Frontier: A Primer on the Evolution and Impact of AI Agents
Report by the World Economic Forum: “AI agents are autonomous systems capable of sensing, learning and acting upon their environments. This white paper explores their development and looks at how they are linked to recent advances in large language and multimodal models. It highlights how AI agents can enhance efficiency across sectors including healthcare, education and finance.
Tracing their evolution from simple rule-based programmes to sophisticated entities with complex decision-making abilities, the paper discusses both the benefits and the risks associated with AI agents. Ethical considerations such as transparency and accountability are emphasized, highlighting the need for robust governance frameworks and cross-sector collaboration.
By understanding the opportunities and challenges that AI agents present, stakeholders can responsibly leverage these systems to drive innovation, improve practices and enhance quality of life. This primer serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to gain a better grasp of this rapidly advancing field…(More)”.
Humanitarian Mapping with WhatsApp: Introducing ChatMap
Article by Emilio Mariscal: “…After some exploration, I came up with an idea: what if we could export chat conversations and extract the location data along with the associated messages? The solution would involve a straightforward application where users can upload their exported chats and instantly generate a map displaying all shared locations and messages. No business accounts or complex integrations would be required—just a simple, ready-to-use tool from day one.
ChatMap — — is a straightforward and simple mapping solution that leverages WhatsApp, an application used by 2.78 billion people worldwide. Its simplicity and accessibility make it an effective tool for communities with limited technical knowledge. And it even works offline! as it relies on the GPS signal for location, sending all data with the phone to gather connectivity.
This solution provides complete independence, as it does not require users to adopt a technology that depends on third-party maintenance. It’s a simple data flow with an equally straightforward script that can be improved by anyone interested on GitHub.
We’re already using it! Recently, as part of a community mapping project to assess the risks in the slopes of Comuna 8 in Medellín, an area vulnerable to repeated flooding, a group of students and local collectives collaborated with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) to map areas affected by landslides and other disaster impacts. This initiative facilitated the identification and characterization of settlements, supporting humanitarian aid efforts.
Photo by Daniela Arbeláez Suárez (source: WhatsApp)
As shown in the picture, the community explored the area on foot, using their phones to take photos and notes, and shared them along with the location. It was incredibly simple!
The data gathered during this activity was transformed 20 minutes later (once getting access to a WIFI network) into a map, which was then uploaded to our online platform powered by uMap (…(More)”.
See more at
Innovating with Non-Traditional Data: Recent Use Cases for Unlocking Public Value
Article by Stefaan Verhulst and Adam Zable: “Non-Traditional Data (NTD): “data that is digitally captured (e.g. mobile phone records), mediated (e.g. social media), or observed (e.g. satellite imagery), using new instrumentation mechanisms, often privately held.”
Digitalization and the resulting datafication have introduced a new category of data that, when re-used responsibly, can complement traditional data in addressing public interest questions—from public health to environmental conservation. Unlocking these often privately held datasets through data collaboratives is a key focus of what we have called The Third Wave of Open Data.
To help bridge this gap, we have curated below recent examples of the use of NTD for research and decision-making that were published the past few months. They are organized into five categories:
- Health and Well-being;
- Humanitarian Aid;
- Environment and Climate;
- Urban Systems and Mobility, and
- Economic and Labor Dynamics…(More)”.
It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times: The Dual Realities of Data Access in the Age of Generative AI
Article by Stefaan Verhulst: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” –Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Dickens’s famous line captures the contradictions of the present moment in the world of data. On the one hand, data has become central to addressing humanity’s most pressing challenges — climate change, healthcare, economic development, public policy, and scientific discovery. On the other hand, despite the unprecedented quantity of data being generated, significant obstacles remain to accessing and reusing it. As our digital ecosystems evolve, including the rapid advances in artificial intelligence, we find ourselves both on the verge of a golden era of open data and at risk of slipping deeper into a restrictive “data winter.”
These two realities are concurrent: the challenges posed by growing restrictions on data reuse, and the countervailing potential brought by advancements in privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), synthetic data, and data commons approaches. It argues that while current trends toward closed data ecosystems threaten innovation, new technologies and frameworks could lead to a “Fourth Wave of Open Data,” potentially ushering in a new era of data accessibility and collaboration…(More)” (First Published in Industry Data for Society Partnership’s (IDSP) 2024 Year in Review).
Space, Satellites, and Democracy: Implications of the New Space Age for Democratic Processes and Recommendations for Action
NDI Report: “The dawn of a new space age is upon us, marked by unprecedented engagement from both state and private actors. Driven by technological innovations such as reusable rockets and miniaturized satellites, this era presents a double-edged sword for global democracy. On one side, democratized access to space offers powerful tools for enhancing civic processes. Satellite technology now enables real-time election monitoring, improved communication in remote areas, and more effective public infrastructure planning. It also equips democratic actors with means to document human rights abuses and circumvent authoritarian internet restrictions.
However, the accessibility of these technologies also raises significant concerns. The potential for privacy infringements and misuse by authoritarian regimes or malicious actors casts a shadow over these advancements.
This report discusses the opportunities and risks that space and satellite technologies pose to democracy, human rights, and civic processes globally. It examines the current regulatory and normative frameworks governing space activities and highlights key considerations for stakeholders navigating this increasingly competitive domain.
It is essential that the global democracy community be familiar with emerging trends in space and satellite technology and their implications for the future. Failure to do so will leave the community unprepared to harness the opportunities or address the challenges that space capabilities present. It would also cede influence over the development of global norms and standards in this arena to states and private sector interests alone and, in turn, ensure those standards are not rooted in democratic norms and human rights, but rather in principles such as state sovereignty and profit maximization…(More)”.
The AI revolution is running out of data. What can researchers do?
Article by Nicola Jones: “The Internet is a vast ocean of human knowledge, but it isn’t infinite. And artificial intelligence (AI) researchers have nearly sucked it dry.
The past decade of explosive improvement in AI has been driven in large part by making neural networks bigger and training them on ever-more data. This scaling has proved surprisingly effective at making large language models (LLMs) — such as those that power the chatbot ChatGPT — both more capable of replicating conversational language and of developing emergent properties such as reasoning. But some specialists say that we are now approaching the limits of scaling. That’s in part because of the ballooning energy requirements for computing. But it’s also because LLM developers are running out of the conventional data sets used to train their models.
A prominent study1 made headlines this year by putting a number on this problem: researchers at Epoch AI, a virtual research institute, projected that, by around 2028, the typical size of data set used to train an AI model will reach the same size as the total estimated stock of public online text. In other words, AI is likely to run out of training data in about four years’ time (see ‘Running out of data’). At the same time, data owners — such as newspaper publishers — are starting to crack down on how their content can be used, tightening access even more. That’s causing a crisis in the size of the ‘data commons’, says Shayne Longpre, an AI researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge who leads the Data Provenance Initiative, a grass-roots organization that conducts audits of AI data sets.
The imminent bottleneck in training data could be starting to pinch. “I strongly suspect that’s already happening,” says Longpre…(More)”
Can the world’s most successful index get back up the rankings?
Article by James Watson: “You know your ranking model is influential when national governments change policies with the explicit goal of boosting their position on your index. That was the power of the Ease of Doing Business Index (also known as Doing Business) until 2021.
However, the index’s success became its downfall. Some governments set up dedicated teams with an explicit goal of improving the country’s performance on the index. If those teams’ activity was solely focussed on positive policy reform, that would be great; unfortunately, in at least some cases, they were simply trying to game the results.
World Bank’s Business Ready Index
Index ranking optimisation (aka gaming the results)
To give an example of how that could happen, we need to take a brief detour into the world of qualitative indicators. Bear with me. In many indexes grappling with complex topics, there is a perennial problem of data availability. Imagine you want to measure the number of days it takes to set up a new business (this was one of the indicators in Doing Business). You will find that most of the time the data either doesn’t exist or is rarely updated by governments. Instead, put very simplistically, you’d need to ask a few experts or businesses for their views, and use those to create a numerical score for your index.
This is a valid approach, and it’s used in a lot of studies. Take Transparency International’s long-running Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). Transparency International goes to great lengths to use robust and comparable data across countries, but measuring actual corruption is not viable — for obvious reasons. So the CPI does something different, and the clue is in the name: it measures people’s perceptions of corruption. It asks local businesses and experts whether they think there’s much bribery, nepotism and other forms of corruption in their country. This foundational input is then bolstered with other data points. The data doesn’t aim to measure corruption; instead, it’s about assessing which countries are more, or less, corrupt.
Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)
This technique can work well, but it got a bit shaky as Doing Business’s fame grew. Some governments that were anxious to move up the rankings started urging the World Bank to tweak the methodology used to assess their ratings, or to use the views of specific experts. The analysts responsible for assessing a country’s scores and data points were put under significant pressure, often facing strong criticism from governments that didn’t agree with their assessments. In the end, an internal review showed that a number of countries’ scores had been improperly manipulated…The criticism must have stung, because the team behind the World Bank’s new Business Ready report has spent three years trying to address those issues. The new methodology handbook lands with a thump at 704 pages…(More)”.
Synthetic content and its implications for AI policy: a primer
UNESCO Paper: “The deployment of advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, particularly generative AI, has sparked discussions regarding the creation and use of synthetic content – i.e. AI-generated or modified outputs, including text, images, sounds, and combinations thereof – and its impact on individuals, societies, and economies. This note explores the different ways in which synthetic content can be generated and used and proposes a taxonomy that encompasses synthetic media and deepfakes, among others. The taxonomy aims to systematize key characteristics, enhancing understanding and informing policy discussions. Key findings highlight both the potential benefits and concerns associated with synthetic content in fields like data analytics, environmental sustainability, education, creativity, and mis/disinformation and point to the need to frame them ethically, in line with the principles and values of UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Finally, the note brings to the fore critical questions that policymakers and experts alike need to address to ensure that the development of AI technologies aligns with human rights, human dignity, and fundamental freedoms…(More)”.