Using data to address equity challenges in local government

Report by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth (CFIG): “…This report describes the Data for Equity cohort learning journey, case studies of how participating cities engaged with and learned from the program, and key takeaways about the potential for data to inform effective and innovative equitable development efforts. Alongside data tools, participants explored the value of qualitative data, the critical link between racial equity and economic inclusion, and how federal funds can advance ongoing equity initiatives. 

Cohort members gained and shared insights throughout their learning journey, including:

  • Resources that provided guidance on how to target funding were helpful to ensuring the viability of cities’ equity and economic development initiatives.
  • Tools and resources that helped practitioners move from diagnosing challenges to identifying solutions were especially valuable.
  • Peer-to-peer learning is an essential resource for leaders and staff working in equity roles, which are often structured differently than other city offices.
  • More data tools that explicitly measure racial equity indicators are needed…(More)”.