Courts in Buenos Aires are using ChatGPT to draft rulings

Article by Victoria Mendizabal: “In May, the Public Prosecution Service of the City of Buenos Aires began using generative AI to predict rulings for some public employment cases related to salary demands.

Since then, justice employees at the office for contentious administrative and tax matters of the city of Buenos Aires have uploaded case documents into ChatGPT, which analyzes patterns, offers a preliminary classification from a catalog of templates, and drafts a decision. So far, ChatGPT has been used for 20 legal sentences.

The use of generative AI has cut down the time it takes to draft a sentence from an hour to about 10 minutes, according to recent studies conducted by the office.

“We, as professionals, are not the main characters anymore. We have become editors,” Juan Corvalán, deputy attorney general in contentious administrative and tax matters, told Rest of World.

The introduction of generative AI tools has improved efficiency at the office, but it has also prompted concerns within the judiciary and among independent legal experts about possiblebiases, the treatment of personal data, and the emergence of hallucinations. Similar concerns have echoed beyond Argentina’s borders.

“We, as professionals, are not the main characters anymore. We have become editors.”

“Any inconsistent use, such as sharing sensitive information, could have a considerable legal cost,” Lucas Barreiro, a lawyer specializing in personal data protection and a member of Privaia, a civil association dedicated to the defense of human rights in the digital era, told Rest of World.

Judges in the U.S. have voiced skepticism about the use of generative AI in the courts, with Manhattan Federal Judge Edgardo Ramos saying earlier this year that “ChatGPT has been shown to be an unreliable resource.” In Colombia and the Netherlands, the use of ChatGPT by judges was criticized by local experts. But not everyone is concerned: A court of appeals judge in the U.K. who used ChatGPT to write part of a judgment said that it was “jolly useful.”

For Corvalán, the move to generative AI is the culmination of a years-long transformation within the City of Buenos Aires’ attorney general’s office.In 2017, Corvalán put together a group of developers to train an AI-powered system called PROMETEA, which was intended to automate judicial tasks and expedite case proceedings. The team used more than 300,000 rulings and case files related to housing protection, public employment bonuses, enforcement of unpaid fines, and denial of cab licenses to individuals with criminal records…(More)”.

Boosting: Empowering Citizens with Behavioral Science

Paper by Stefan M. Herzog and Ralph Hertwig: “Behavioral public policy came to the fore with the introduction of nudging, which aims to steer behavior while maintaining freedom of choice. Responding to critiques of nudging (e.g., that it does not promote agency and relies on benevolent choice architects), other behavioral policy approaches focus on empowering citizens. Here we review boosting, a behavioral policy approach that aims to foster people’s agency, self-control, and ability to make informed decisions. It is grounded in evidence from behavioral science showing that human decision making is not as notoriously flawed as the nudging approach assumes. We argue that addressing the challenges of our time—such as climate change, pandemics, and the threats to liberal democracies and human autonomy posed by digital technologies and choice architectures—calls for fostering capable and engaged citizens as a first line of response to complement slower, systemic approaches…(More)”.

National biodiversity data infrastructures: ten essential functions for science, policy, and practice 

Paper by Anton Güntsch et al: “Today, at the international level, powerful data portals are available to biodiversity researchers and policymakers, offering increasingly robust computing and network capacities and capable data services for internationally agreed-on standards. These accelerate individual and complex workflows to map data-driven research processes or even to make them possible for the first time. At the national level, however, and alongside these international developments, national infrastructures are needed to take on tasks that cannot be easily funded or addressed internationally. To avoid gaps, as well as redundancies in the research landscape, national tasks and responsibilities must be clearly defined to align efforts with core priorities. In the present article, we outline 10 essential functions of national biodiversity data infrastructures. They serve as key providers, facilitators, mediators, and platforms for effective biodiversity data management, integration, and analysis that require national efforts to foster biodiversity science, policy, and practice…(More)”.

Privacy guarantees for personal mobility data in humanitarian response

Paper by Nitin Kohli, Emily Aiken & Joshua E. Blumenstock: “Personal mobility data from mobile phones and other sensors are increasingly used to inform policymaking during pandemics, natural disasters, and other humanitarian crises. However, even aggregated mobility traces can reveal private information about individual movements to potentially malicious actors. This paper develops and tests an approach for releasing private mobility data, which provides formal guarantees over the privacy of the underlying subjects. Specifically, we (1) introduce an algorithm for constructing differentially private mobility matrices and derive privacy and accuracy bounds on this algorithm; (2) use real-world data from mobile phone operators in Afghanistan and Rwanda to show how this algorithm can enable the use of private mobility data in two high-stakes policy decisions: pandemic response and the distribution of humanitarian aid; and (3) discuss practical decisions that need to be made when implementing this approach, such as how to optimally balance privacy and accuracy. Taken together, these results can help enable the responsible use of private mobility data in humanitarian response…(More)”.

Review of relevance of the OECD Recommendation on ICTs and the Environment

OECD Policy Report: “The OECD Recommendation on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the Environment was adopted in 2010 and recognised the link between digital technologies and environmental sustainability. Today, advances in digital technologies underscore their growing role in achieving climate resilience. At the same time, digital technologies and their underlying infrastructure have an environmental footprint that must be managed. This report takes stock of technology and policy developments since the adoption of the Recommendation and provides a gap analysis and assessment of its relevance, concluding that the Recommendation remains relevant and identifying areas for revision…(More)”.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work

Report by the National Academies: “AI technology is at an inflection point: a surge of technological progress has driven the rapid development and adoption of generative AI systems, such as ChatGPT, which are capable of generating text, images, or other content based on user requests.

This technical progress is likely to continue in coming years, with the potential to complement or replace human labor in certain tasks and reshape job markets. However, it is difficult to predict exactly which new AI capabilities might emerge, and when these advances might occur.

This National Academies’ report evaluates recent advances in AI technology and their implications for economic productivity, job stability, and income inequality, identifying research opportunities and data needs to equip workers and policymakers to flexibly respond to AI developments…(More)”

Using generative AI for crisis foresight

Article by Antonin Kenens and Josip Ivanovic: “What if the next time you discuss a complex future and its potential crises, it could be transformed from a typical meeting into an immersive experience? That’s exactly what we did at a recent strategy meeting of UNDP’s Crisis Bureau and Bureau for Policy and Programme Support.  

In an environment where workshops and meetings can often feel monotonous, we aimed to break the mold. By using AI-generated videos, we brought our discussion to life, reflecting the realities of developing nations and immersing participants in the critical issues affecting our region.  In today’s rapidly changing world, the ability to anticipate and prepare for potential crises is more crucial than ever. Crisis foresight involves identifying and analyzing possible future crises to develop strategies that can mitigate their impact. This proactive approach, highlighted multiple times in the pact for the future, is essential for effective governance and sustainable development in Europe and Central Asia and the rest of the world.

graphical user interface
Visualization of the consequences of pollution in Joraland.

Our idea behind creating AI-generated videos was to provide a vivid, immersive experience that would engage viewers and stimulate active participation by sharing their reflections on the challenges and opportunities in developing countries. We presented fictional yet relatable scenarios to gather the participants of the meeting around a common view and create a sense of urgency and importance around UNDP’s strategic priorities and initiatives. 

This approach not only captured attention but also sparked deeper engagement and thought-provoking conversations…(More)”.

What AI Can’t Do for Democracy

Essay by Daniel Berliner: “In short, there is increasing optimism among both theorists and practitioners over the potential for technology-enabled civic engagement to rejuvenate or deepen democracy. Is this optimism justified?

The answer depends on how we think about what civic engagement can do. Political representatives are often unresponsive to the preferences of ordinary people. Their misperceptions of public needs and preferences are partly to blame, but the sources of democratic dysfunction are much deeper and more structural than information alone. Working to ensure many more “citizens’ voices are truly heard” will thus do little to improve government responsiveness in contexts where the distribution of power means that policymakers have no incentive to do what citizens say. And as some critics have argued, it can even distract from recognizing and remedying other problems, creating a veneer of legitimacy—what health policy expert Sherry Arnstein once famously derided as mere “window dressing.”

Still, there are plenty of cases where contributions from citizens can highlight new problems that need addressingnew perspectives by which issues are understood, and new ideas for solving public problems—from administrative agencies seeking public input to city governments seeking to resolve resident complaints and citizens’ assemblies deliberating on climate policy. But even in these and other contexts, there is reason to doubt AI’s usefulness across the board. The possibilities of AI for civic engagement depend crucially on what exactly it is that policymakers want to learn from the public. For some types of learning, applications of AI can make major contributions to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of information processing. For others, there is no getting around the fundamental needs for human attention and context-specific knowledge in order to adequately make sense of public voices. We need to better understand these differences to avoid wasting resources on tools that might not deliver useful information…(More)”.

The Emergent Landscape of Data Commons: A Brief Survey and Comparison of Existing Initiatives

Article by Stefaan G. Verhulst and Hannah Chafetz: With the increased attention on the need for data to advance AI, data commons initiatives around the world are redefining how data can be accessed, and re-used for societal benefit. These initiatives focus on generating access to data from various sources for a public purpose and are governed by communities themselves. While diverse in focus–from health and mobility to language and environmental data–data commons are united by a common goal: democratizing access to data to fuel innovation and tackle global challenges.

This includes innovation in the context of artificial intelligence (AI). Data commons are providing the framework to make pools of diverse data available in machine understandable formats for responsible AI development and deployment. By providing access to high quality data sources with open licensing, data commons can help increase the quantity of training data in a less exploitative fashion, minimize AI providers’ reliance on data extracted across the internet without an open license, and increase the quality of the AI output (while reducing mis-information).

Over the last few months, the Open Data Policy Lab (a collaboration between The GovLab and Microsoft) has conducted various research initiatives to explore these topics further and understand:

(1) how the concept of a data commons is changing in the context of artificial intelligence, and

(2) current efforts to advance the next generation of data commons.

In what follows we provide a summary of our findings thus far. We hope it inspires more data commons use cases for responsible AI innovation in the public’s interest…(More)”.

Two Open Science Foundations: Data Commons and Stewardship as Pillars for Advancing the FAIR Principles and Tackling Planetary Challenges

Article by Stefaan Verhulst and Jean Claude Burgelman: “Today the world is facing three major planetary challenges: war and peace, steering Artificial Intelligence and making the planet a healthy Anthropoceen. As they are closely interrelated, they represent an era of “polycrisis”, to use the term Adam Tooze has coined. There are no simple solutions or quick fixes to these (and other) challenges; their interdependencies demand a multi-stakeholder, interdisciplinary approach.

As world leaders and experts convene in Baku for The 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), the urgency of addressing these global crises has never been clearer. A crucial part of addressing these challenges lies in advancing science — particularly open science, underpinned by data made available leveraging the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). In this era of computation, the transformative potential of research depends on the seamless flow and reuse of high-quality data to unlock breakthrough insights and solutions. Ensuring data is available in reusable, interoperable formats not only accelerates the pace of scientific discovery but also expedites the search for solutions to global crises.

Image of the retreat of the Columbia glacier by Jesse Allen, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Free to re-use from NASA Visible Earth.

While FAIR principles provide a vital foundation for making data accessible, interoperable and reusable, translating these principles into practice requires robust institutional approaches. Toward that end, in the below, we argue two foundational pillars must be strengthened:

  • Establishing Data Commons: The need for shared data ecosystems where resources can be pooled, accessed, and re-used collectively, breaking down silos and fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration.
  • Enabling Data Stewardship: Systematic and responsible data reuse requires more than access; it demands stewardship — equipping institutions and scientists with the capabilities to maximize the value of data while safeguarding its responsible use is essential…(More)”.