Capgemini: “The state of public service provision today across Europe is progressing – but not fast enough according to the latest eGovernment Benchmark report. Policymakers need to steer the course towards digital transformation now.The Background Report assesses eGovernment’s role in seven high-impact events in citizens’ lives and the availability of key IT building blocks ….
The report found that Europe is gaining more in digital maturity as more online public services improved in user centricity. What Member States need to focus on are improvements to mobile, transparency, and simplification.
What we found:
- Europe is gaining in digital maturity: With an average score of 73% in 2014, user-centricity is confirmed as the most advanced indicator at the EU-28+ level, ending 3 percentage points higher than a year earlier. The results indicate year-on-year progress across all the European countries compared.
- Mobile – a missed opportunity: Only one in four public sector websites is mobile friendly which misses out a large segment of service users.
- Improved Transparency but still long way to go to build trust: We saw a 3 percentage point improvement from the previous measurement, but it is still unsatisfactory as it stops at 51%.
- Slowly moving to smarter government: 1-point improvement to adopting key enablers in technology risks the transition to a smart government. Key enablers, such as authentic sources, allow for automation of services and re-use of data to further reduce burdens.
- The Digital Single Market is yet to come: Set as one of the ten priorities by the Juncker Commission, cross-border mobility is not yet even halfway to being fully achieved.
to Drive the European Advantage
New technologies and models offer governments to apply innovative solutions to deliver better, faster and cheaper services.
We put forward four key recommendations for European public sector organizations to innovate.
- Enable: Build a shared digital infrastructure as the basis. The infrastructure foundation is required to develop any technology building blocks to digital transformation – across agencies, and tiers.
- Entice: Move from customer services to customized services. Services that entice and engage users to go online also keep them there.
- Exploit: Make online services mandatory. Aim to make ‘By digital by default’ become the natural next step.
- Educate. Educate. Educate: Practitioners, civil servants, leaders and users must be trained up in digital skills.
See also Infographic: Are Government Services Prepared for the Digital Age?