Integrating Social Media into Biodiversity Databases: The Next Big Step?

Article by Muhammad Osama: “Digital technologies and social media have transformed ecology and conservation biology data collection. Traditional biodiversity monitoring often relies on field surveys, which can be time-consuming and biased toward rural habitats.

The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) serves as a key repository for biodiversity data, but it faces challenges such as delayed data availability and underrepresentation of urban habitats.

Social media platforms have become valuable tools for rapid data collection, enabling users to share georeferenced observations instantly, reducing time lags associated with traditional methods. The widespread use of smartphones with cameras allows individuals to document wildlife sightings in real-time, enhancing biodiversity monitoring. Integrating social media data with traditional ecological datasets offers significant advancements, particularly in tracking species distributions in urban areas.

In this paper, the authors evaluated the Jersey tiger moth’s habitat usage by comparing occurrence data from social media platforms (Instagram and Flickr) with traditional records from GBIF and iNaturalist. They hypothesized that social media data would reveal significant JTM occurrences in urban environments, which may be underrepresented in traditional datasets…(More)”.

The Language Data Space (LDS)

European Commission: “… welcomes launch of the Alliance for Language Technologies European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (ALT-EDIC) and the Language Data Space (LDS).

Aimed at addressing the shortage of European language data needed for training large language models, these projects are set to revolutionise multilingual Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems across the EU.

By offering services in all EU languages, the initiatives are designed to break down language barriers, providing better, more accessible solutions for smaller businesses within the EU. This effort not only aims to preserve the EU’s rich cultural and linguistic heritage in the digital age but also strengthens Europe’s quest for tech sovereignty. Formed in February 2024, the ALT-EDIC includes 17 participating Member States and 9 observer Member States and regions, making it one of the pioneering European Digital Infrastructure Consortia.

The LDS, part of the Common European Data Spaces, is crucial for increasing data availability for AI development in Europe. Developed by the Commission and funded by the DIGITAL programme,  this project aims to create a cohesive marketplace for language data. This will enhance the collection and sharing of multilingual data to support European large language models. Initially accessible to selected institutions and companies, the project aims to eventually involve all European public and private stakeholders.

Find more information about the Alliance for Language Technologies European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (ALT-EDIC) and the Language Data Space (LDS)…(More)”

What is a fair exchange for access to public data?

Blog and policy brief by Jeni Tennison: “The most obvious approach to get companies to share value back to the public sector in return for access to data is to charge them. However, there are a number of challenges with a “pay to access” approach: it’s hard to set the right price; it creates access barriers, particularly for cash-poor start-ups; and it creates a public perception that the government is willing to sell their data, and might be tempted to loosen privacy-protecting governance controls in exchange for cash.

Are there other options? The policy brief explores a range of other approaches and assesses these against five goals that a value-sharing framework should ideally meet, to:

  • Encourage use of public data, including by being easy for organisations to understand and administer.
  • Provide a return on investment for the public sector, offsetting at least some of the costs of supporting the NDL infrastructure and minimising administrative costs.
  • Promote equitable innovation and economic growth in the UK, which might mean particularly encouraging smaller, home-grown businesses.
  • Create social value, particularly towards this Government’s other missions, such as achieving Net Zero or unlocking opportunity for all.
  • Build public trust by being easily explainable, avoiding misaligned incentives that encourage the breaking of governance guardrails, and feeling like a fair exchange.

In brief, alternatives to a pay-to-access model that still provide direct financial returns include:

  • Discounts: the public sector could secure discounts on products and services created using public data. However, this could be difficult to administer and enforce.
  • Royalties: taking a percentage of charges for products and services created using public data might be similarly hard to administer and enforce, but applies to more companies.
  • Equity: taking equity in startups can provide long-term returns and align with public investment goals.
  • Levies: targeted taxes on businesses that use public data can provide predictable revenue and encourage data use.
  • General taxation: general taxation can fund data infrastructure, but it may lack the targeted approach and public visibility of other methods.

It’s also useful to consider non-financial conditions that could be put on organisations accessing public data..(More)”.

Activated Citizenship: The Transformative Power of Citizens’ Assemblies

Book by Marjan H. Ehsassi: “To counter pervasive levels of citizen disengagement from political institutions, this book examines democratic innovations that meaningfully engage with citizens to address some of the deficits of Western representative democracies.

Citizens’ assemblies provide one such innovation, offering opportunities for more consistent participation between elections, more meaningful input in government decision making, and more impactful platforms for participation. This cutting-edge book introduces a new definition for an Activated Citizen, along with a methodology to measure civic and political engagement. Relying on a mixed-methods approach and field research conducted in Paris, Brussels, Ottawa, and Petaluma (California), as well as participant observations, over 180 surveys, 61 in-depth interviews and storytelling, the book provides case studies and in-depth analysis of hotbutton topics including climate change, unhoused populations, democratic expression, assisted suicide and euthanasia. Each chapter weaves quantitative results with rich qualitative testimonies from participants, government representatives, and observers. Based on empirical evidence, the book explores the ways in which government-led citizens’ assemblies can promote a more Activated Citizen. To fully realize the transformative potential of deliberative platforms, a final chapter offers a blueprint for impact, outlining concrete measures along with recommendations for the design and implementation of future government-initiated deliberative platforms…(More)”.

Being heard: Shaping digital futures for and with children

Blog by Laura Betancourt Basallo, Kim R. Sylwander and Sonia Livingstone: “One in three internet users is a child. Digital technologies are shaping children’s present and future, yet most digital spaces are designed by adults, for adults. Despite this disconnect, digital platforms have emerged as important spaces for children’s participation in political and cultural life, partly because this is often limited in traditional spaces.

Children’s access to and participation in the digital environment is not just desirable: the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child applies equally online and offline. Article 12 outlines children’s right to be heard in ways that genuinely influence the decisions affecting their lives. In 2021, the Committee on the Rights of the Child published its General comment No. 25, the authoritative framework on how children’s rights should be applied in relation to the digital environment—this emphasises the importance of children’s right to be heard, and to participation in the digital sphere.

Core elements for meaningful participation

Creating meaningful and rights-respecting opportunities for child and youth participation in research, policymaking, and product design demands strategic planning and practical actions. As scholar Laura Lundy explains, these opportunities should guarantee to children:

  • SPACE: Children must be allowed to express their views.
  • VOICE: Children must be facilitated to express their views.
  • AUDIENCE: Their views must be listened to.
  • INFLUENCE: Their views must be acted upon as appropriate.

This rights-based approach emphasises the importance of not just collecting children’s views but actively listening to them and ensuring that their input is meaningfully acted upon, while avoiding the pitfalls of tokenism, manipulation or unsafe practices. Implementing such engagement requires careful consideration of safeguards regarding privacy, freedom of thought, and inclusive access for children with limited digital skills or access.

Here we provide a curated list of resources to conduct consultations with children, using digital technologies and then about the digital environment. ..(More)”.

Vetted Researcher Data Access

Coimisiún na Meán: “Article 40 of the Digital Services Act (DSA) makes provision for researchers to access data from Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) or Very Large Online Search Engines (VLOSEs) for the purposes of studying systemic risk in the EU and assessing mitigation measures. There are two ways that researchers that are studying systemic risk in the EU can get access to data under Article 40 of the DSA. 

Non-public data, known as “vetted researcher data access”, under Article 40(4)-(11). This is a process where a researcher, who has been vetted or assessed by a Digital Services Coordinator to have met the criteria as set out in DSA Article 40(8), can request access to non-public data held by a VLOP/VLOSE. The data must be limited in scope and deemed necessary and proportionate to the purpose of the research.

Public data under Article 40(12).  This is a process where a researcher who meets the relevant criteria can apply for data access directly from a VLOP/VLOSE, for example, access to a content library or API of public posts…(More)”.

Cities in International Decision-Making

Book edited by Agnieszka Szpak et al: “…argues that cities are becoming more active participants in international law-making and challenging the previously dominant nation-state approach of recent history.

Chapters explore key literature and legal regulations surrounding cities, providing the latest information on their international normative activities. This book includes multiple interviews conducted with the official representatives of cities and various international institutions, such as UN-Habitat, the EU Committee of the Regions, and the Congress for Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. The authors investigate how, despite their strong role in international relations and international law implementation, the importance of cities has still not been adequately reflected in the structures of the Council of Europe, the EU and the UN. Ultimately, the book finds that cities have more impact on policy-making than on decision-making processes…(More)”.

The Data Innovation Toolkit

Toolkit by Maria Claudia Bodino, Nathan da Silva Carvalho, Marcelo Cogo, Arianna Dafne Fini Storchi, and Stefaan Verhulst: “Despite the abundance of data, the excitement around AI, and the potential for transformative insights, many public administrations struggle to translate data into actionable strategies and innovations. 

Public servants working with data-related initiatives, need practical, easy-to-use resources designed to enhance the management of data innovation initiatives. 

In order to address these needs, the iLab of DG DIGIT from the European Commission is developing an initial set of practical tools designed to facilitate and enhance the implementation of data-driven initiatives. The main building blocks of the first version of the of the Digital Innovation Toolkit include: 

  1. Repository of educational materials and resources on the latest data innovation approaches from public sector, academia, NGOs and think tanks 
  2. An initial set of practical resources, some examples: 
  3. Workshop Templates to offer structured formats for conducting productive workshops that foster collaboration, ideation, and problem-solving. 
  4. Checklists to ensure that all data journey aspects and steps are properly assessed. 
  5. Interactive Exercises to engage team members in hands-on activities that build skills and facilitate understanding of key concepts and methodologies. 
  6. Canvas Models to provide visual frameworks for planning and brainstorming….(More)”.

Governing in the Age of AI: Building Britain’s National Data Library

Report by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change: “The United Kingdom should lead the world in artificial-intelligence-driven innovation, research and data-enabled public services. It has the data, the institutions and the expertise to set the global standard. But without the right infrastructure, these advantages are being wasted.

The UK’s data infrastructure, like that of every nation, is built around outdated assumptions about how data create value. It is fragmented and unfit for purpose. Public-sector data are locked in silos, access is slow and inconsistent, and there is no system to connect and use these data effectively, or any framework for deciding what additional data would be most valuable to collect given AI’s capabilities.

As a result, research is stalled, AI adoption is held back, and the government struggles to plan services, target support and respond to emerging challenges. This affects everything from developing new treatments to improving transport, tackling crime and ensuring economic policies help those who need them. While some countries are making progress in treating existing data as strategic assets, none have truly reimagined data infrastructure for an AI-enabled future…(More)”

The Preventative Shift: How can we embed prevention and achieve long term missions

Paper by Demos (UK): “Over the past two years Demos has been making the case for a fundamental shift in the purpose of government away from firefighting in public services towards preventing problems arriving. First, we set out the case for The Preventative State, to rebuild local, social and civic foundations; then, jointly with The Health Foundation, we made the case to change treasury rules to ringfence funding for prevention. By differentiating between everyday spending, and preventative spending, the government could measure what really matters.

There has been widespread support for this – but also concerns about both the feasibility of measuring preventative spending accurately and appropriately but also that ring-fencing alone may not lead to the desired improvements in outcomes and value for money.

In response we have developed two practical approaches, covered in two papers:

  • Our first paper, Counting What Matters, explores the challenge of measurement and makes a series of recommendations, including the passage of a “Public Investment Act”, to show how this could be appropriately achieved.
  • This second paper, The Preventative Shift, looks at how to shift the culture of public bodies to think ‘prevention first’ and target spending at activities which promise value for money and improve outcomes…(More)”.