Frontier AI: double-edged sword for public sector

Article by Zeynep Engin: “The power of the latest AI technologies, often referred to as ‘frontier AI’, lies in their ability to automate decision-making by harnessing complex statistical insights from vast amounts of unstructured data, using models that surpass human understanding. The introduction of ChatGPT in late 2022 marked a new era for these technologies, making advanced AI models accessible to a wide range of users, a development poised to permanently reshape how our societies function.

From a public policy perspective, this capacity offers the optimistic potential to enable personalised services at scale, potentially revolutionising healthcare, education, local services, democratic processes, and justice, tailoring them to everyone’s unique needs in a digitally connected society. The ambition is to achieve better outcomes than humanity has managed so far without AI assistance. There is certainly a vast opportunity for improvement, given the current state of global inequity, environmental degradation, polarised societies, and other chronic challenges facing humanity.

However, it is crucial to temper this optimism with recognising the significant risks. In their current trajectories, these technologies are already starting to undermine hard-won democratic gains and civil rights. Integrating AI into public policy and decision-making processes risks exacerbating existing inequalities and unfairness, potentially leading to new, uncontrollable forms of discrimination at unprecedented speed and scale. The environmental impacts, both direct and indirect, could be catastrophic, while the rise of AI-powered personalised misinformation and behavioural manipulation is contributing to increasingly polarised societies.

Steering the direction of AI to be in the public interest requires a deeper understanding of its characteristics and behaviour. To imagine and design new approaches to public policy and decision-making, we first need a comprehensive understanding of what this remarkable technology offers and its potential implications…(More)”.

Policies must be justified by their wellbeing-to-cost ratio

Article by Richard Layard: “…What is its value for money — that is, how much wellbeing does it deliver per (net) pound it costs the government? This benefit/cost ratio (or BCR) should be central to every discussion.

The science exists to produce these numbers and, if the British government were to require them of the spending departments, it would be setting an example of rational government to the whole world.

Such a move would, of course, lead to major changes in priorities. At the London School of Economics we have been calculating the benefits and costs of policies across a whole range of government departments.

In our latest report on value for money, the best policies are those that save the government more money than they cost — for example by getting people back to work. Classic examples of this are treatments for mental health. The NHS Talking Therapies programme now treats 750,000 people a year for anxiety disorders and depression. Half of them recover and the service demonstrably pays for itself. It needs to expand.

But we also need a parallel service for those addicted to alcohol, drugs and gambling. These individuals are more difficult to treat — but the savings if they recover are greater. Again, it will pay for itself. And so will the improved therapy service for children and young people that Labour has promised.

However, most spending policies do cost more than they save. For these it is crucial to measure the benefit/cost ratio, converting the wellbeing benefit into its monetary equivalent. For example, we can evaluate the wellbeing gain to a community of having more police and subsequently less crime. Once this is converted into money, we calculate that the benefit/cost ratio is 12:1 — very high…(More)”.

Breaking the Wall of Digital Heteronomy

Interview with Julia Janssen: “The walls of algorithms increasingly shape your life. Telling what to buy, where to go, what news to believe or songs to listen to. Data helps to navigate the world’s complexity and its endless possibilities. Artificial intelligence promises frictionless experiences, tailored and targeted, seamless and optimized to serve you best. But, at what cost? Frictionlessness comes with obedience. To the machine, the market and your own prophesy.

Mapping the Oblivion researches the influence of data and AI on human autonomy. The installation visualized Netflix’s percentage-based prediction models to provoke questions about to what extent we want to quantify choices. Will you only watch movies that are over 64% to your liking? Dine at restaurants that match your appetite above 76%. Date people with a compatibility rate of 89%? Will you never choose the career you want when there is only a 12% chance you’ll succeed? Do you want to outsmart your intuition with systems you do not understand and follow the map of probabilities and statistics?

Digital heteronomy is a condition in which one is guided by data, governed by AI and ordained by the industry. Homo Sapiens, the knowing being becomes Homo Stultus, the controllable being.

Living a quantified life in a numeric world. Not having to choose, doubt or wonder. Kept safe, risk-free and predictable within algorithmic walls. Exhausted of autonomy, creativity and randomness. Imprisoned in bubbles, profiles and behavioural tribes. Controllable, observable and monetizable.

Breaking the wall of digital heteronomy means taking back control over our data, identity, choices and chances in life. Honouring the unexpected, risk, doubt and having an unknown future. Shattering the power structures created by Big Tech to harvest information and capitalize on unfairness, vulnerabilities and fears. Breaking the wall of digital heteronomy means breaking down a system where profit is more important than people…(More)”.

The Imperial Origins of Big Data

Blog and book by Asheesh Kapur Siddique: “We live in a moment of massive transformation in the nature of information. In 2020, according to one report, users of the Internet created 64.2 zetabytes of data, a quantity greater than the “number of detectable stars in the cosmos,” a colossal increase whose origins can be traced to the emergence of the World Wide Web in 1993.1 Facilitated by technologies like satellites, smartphones, and artificial intelligence, the scale and speed of data creation seems like it may only balloon over the rest of our lifetimes—and with it, the problem of how to govern ourselves in relation to the inequalities and opportunities that the explosion of data creates.

But while much about our era of big data is indeed revolutionary, the political questions that it raises—How should information be used? Who should control it? And how should it be preserved?—are ones with which societies have long grappled. These questions attained a particular importance in Europe from the eleventh century due to a technological change no less significant than the ones we are witnessing today: the introduction of paper into Europe. Initially invented in China, paper travelled to Europe via the conduit of Islam around the eleventh century after the Moors conquered Spain. Over the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries, paper emerged as the fundamental substrate which politicians, merchants, and scholars relied on to record and circulate information in governance, commerce, and learning. At the same time, governing institutions sought to preserve and control the spread of written information through the creation of archives: repositories where they collected, organized, and stored documents.

The expansion of European polities overseas from the late fifteenth century onward saw governments massively scale up their use of paper—and confront the challenge of controlling its dissemination across thousands of miles of ocean and land. These pressures were felt particularly acutely in what eventually became the largest empire in world history, the British empire. As people from the British isles from the early seventeenth century fought, traded, and settled their way to power in the Atlantic world and South Asia, administrators faced the problem of how to govern both their emigrating subjects and the non-British peoples with whom they interacted. This meant collecting information about their behavior through the technology of paper. Just as we struggle to organize, search, and control our email boxes, text messages, and app notifications, so too did these early moderns confront the attendant challenges of developing practices of collection and storage to manage the resulting information overload. And despite the best efforts of states and companies to control information, it constantly escaped their grasp, falling into the hands of their opponents and rivals who deployed it to challenge and contest ruling powers.

The history of the early modern information state offers no simple or straightforward answers to the questions that data raises for us today. But it does remind us of a crucial truth, all too readily obscured by the deluge of popular narratives glorifying technological innovation: that questions of data are inherently questions about politics—about who gets to collect, control, and use information, and the ends to which information should be put. We should resist any effort to insulate data governance from democratic processes—and having an informed perspective on the politics of data requires that we attend not just to its present, but also to its past…(More)”.

The Power of Supercitizens

Blog by Brian Klaas: “Lurking among us, there are a group of hidden heroes, people who routinely devote significant amounts of their time, energy, and talent to making our communities better. These are the devoted, do-gooding, elite one percent. Most, but not all, are volunteers.1 All are selfless altruists. They, the supercitizens, provide some of the stickiness in the social glue that holds us together.2

What if I told you that there’s this little trick you can do that makes your community stronger, helps other people, and makes you happier and live longer? Well, it exists, there’s ample evidence it works, and best of all, it’s free.

Recently published research showcases a convincing causal link between these supercitizens—devoted, regular volunteers—and social cohesion. While such an umbrella term means a million different things, these researchers focused on two UK-based surveys that analyzed three facets of social cohesion, measured through eight questions (respondents answered on a five point scale, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree). They were:


  • ‘If I needed advice about something I could go to someone in my neighborhood’;
  • ‘I borrow things and exchange favors with my neighbors’; and
  • ‘I regularly stop and talk with people in my neighborhood’

Psychological sense of community

  • ‘I feel like I belong to this neighborhood’;
  • ‘The friendships and associations I have with other people in my neighborhood mean a lot to me’;
  • ‘I would be willing to work together with others on something to improve my neighborhood’; and
  • ‘I think of myself as similar to the people that live in this neighborhood’)

Attraction to the neighborhood

  • ‘I plan to remain a resident of this neighborhood for a number of years’

While these questions only tap into some specific components of social cohesion, high levels of these ingredients are likely to produce a reliable recipe for a healthy local community. (Social cohesion differs from social capital, popularized by Robert Putnam and his book, Bowling Alone. Social capital tends to focus on links between individuals and groups—are you a joiner or more of a loner?—whereas cohesion refers to a more diffuse sense of community, belonging, and neighborliness)…(More)”.

Policy for responsible use of AI in government

Policy by the Australian Government: “The Policy for the responsible use of AI in government ensures that government plays a leadership role in embracing AI for the benefit of Australians while ensuring its safe, ethical and responsible use, in line with community expectations. The policy:

  • provides a unified approach for government to engage with AI confidently, safely and responsibly, and realise its benefits
  • aims to strengthen public trust in government’s use of AI by providing enhanced transparency, governance and risk assurance
  • aims to embed a forward leaning, adaptive approach for government’s use of AI that is designed to evolve and develop over time…(More)”.

Policy Fit for the Future

Primer by the Australian Government: “The Futures Primer is part of the “Policy Fit for the Future” project, building Australian Public Service capability to use futures techniques in policymaking through horizon scanning, visioning and scenario planning. These tools help anticipate and navigate future risks and opportunities.

The tools and advice can be adapted to any policy challenge, and reflect the views of global experts in futures and strategic foresight, both within and outside the APS…The Futures Primer offers a range of flexible tools and advice that can be adapted to any policy challenge. It reflects the views of global experts in futures and strategic foresight, both within and outside the APS…(More)”.

Data Protection Law and Emotion

Book by Damian Clifford: “Data protection law is often positioned as a regulatory solution to the risks posed by computational systems. Despite the widespread adoption of data protection laws, however, there are those who remain sceptical as to their capacity to engender change. Much of this criticism focuses on our role as ‘data subjects’. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that we lack the capacity to act in our own best interests and, what is more, that our decisions have negative impacts on others. Our decision-making limitations seem to be the inevitable by-product of the technological, social, and economic reality. Data protection law bakes in these limitations by providing frameworks for notions such as consent and subjective control rights and by relying on those who process our data to do so fairly.

Despite these valid concerns, Data Protection Law and Emotion argues that the (in)effectiveness of these laws are often more difficult to discern than the critical literature would suggest, while also emphasizing the importance of the conceptual value of subjective control. These points are explored (and indeed, exposed) by investigating data protection law through the lens of the insights provided by law and emotion scholarship and demonstrating the role emotions play in our decision-making. The book uses the development of Emotional Artificial Intelligence, a particularly controversial technology, as a case study to analyse these issues.

Original and insightful, Data Protection Law and Emotion offers a unique contribution to a contentious debate that will appeal to students and academics in data protection and privacy, policymakers, practitioners, and regulators…(More)”.

Governing mediation in the data ecosystem: lessons from media governance for overcoming data asymmetries

Chapter by Stefaan Verhulst in Handbook of Media and Communication Governance edited by Manuel Puppis , Robin Mansell , and Hilde Van den Bulck: “The internet and the accompanying datafication were heralded to usher in a golden era of disintermediation. Instead, the modern data ecology witnessed a process of remediation, or ‘hyper-mediation’, resulting in governance challenges, many of which underlie broader socioeconomic difficulties. Particularly, the rise of data asymmetries and silos create new forms of scarcity and dominance with deleterious political, economic and cultural consequences. Responding to these challenges requires a new data governance framework, focused on unlocking data and developing a more data pluralistic ecosystem. We argue for regulation and policy focused on promoting data collaboratives, an emerging form of cross-sectoral partnership; and on the establishment of data stewards, individuals/groups tasked with managing and responsibly sharing organizations’ data assets. Some regulatory steps are discussed, along with the various ways in which these two emerging stakeholders can help alleviate data scarcities and their associated problems…(More)”

Visualization for Public Involvement

Report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: “Visualization methods have long been integral to the public involvement process for transportation planning and project development. From well-established methods such as conceptual sketches or photo simulations to the latest immersive technologies, state departments of transportation (DOTs) recognize that visualizations can significantly increase public understanding of a project’s appearance and physical impacts. Emerging methods such as interactive three-dimensional environments, virtual reality, and augmented reality can dramatically enhance public understanding of transportation options and design concepts…(More)”.