Facing & mitigating common challenges when working with real-world data: The Data Learning Paradigm

Paper by Jake Lever et al: “The rapid growth of data-driven applications is ubiquitous across virtually all scientific domains, and has led to an increasing demand for effective methods to handle data deficiencies and mitigate the effects of imperfect data. This paper presents a guide for researchers encountering real-world data-driven applications, and the respective challenges associated with this. This article proposes the concept of the Data Learning Paradigm, combining the principles of machine learning, data science and data assimilation to tackle real-world challenges in data-driven applications. Models are a product of the data upon which they are trained, and no data collected from real world scenarios is perfect due to natural limitations of sensing and collection. Thus, computational modelling of real world systems is intrinsically limited by the various deficiencies encountered in real data. The Data Learning Paradigm aims to leverage the strengths of data improvement to enhance the accuracy, reliability, and interpretability of data-driven models. We outline a range of methods which are currently being implemented in the field of Data Learning involving machine learning and data science methods, and discuss how these mitigate the various problems associated with data-driven models, illustrating improved results in a multitude of real world applications. We highlight examples where these methods have led to significant advancements in fields such as environmental monitoring, planetary exploration, healthcare analytics, linguistic analysis, social networks, and smart manufacturing. We offer a guide to how these methods may be implemented to deal with general types of limitations in data, alongside their current and potential applications…(More)”.

Digitalizing sewage: The politics of producing, sharing, and operationalizing data from wastewater-based surveillance

Paper by Josie Wittmer, Carolyn Prouse, and Mohammed Rafi Arefin: “Expanded during the COVID-19 pandemic, Wastewater-Based Surveillance (WBS) is now heralded by scientists and policy makers alike as the future of monitoring and governing urban health. The expansion of WBS reflects larger neoliberal governance trends whereby digitalizing states increasingly rely on producing big data as a ‘best practice’ to surveil various aspects of everyday life. With a focus on three South Asian cities, our paper investigates the transnational pathways through which WBS data is produced, made known, and operationalized in ‘evidence-based’ decision-making in a time of crisis. We argue that in South Asia, wastewater surveillance data is actively produced through fragile but power-laden networks of transnational and local knowledge, funding, and practices. Using mixed qualitative methods, we found these networks produced artifacts like dashboards to communicate data to the public in ways that enabled claims to objectivity, ethical interventions, and transparency. Interrogating these representations, we demonstrate how these artifacts open up messy spaces of translation that trouble linear notions of objective data informing accountable, transparent, and evidence-based decision-making for diverse urban actors. By thinking through the production of precarious biosurveillance infrastructures, we respond to calls for more robust ethical and legal frameworks for the field and suggest that the fragility of WBS infrastructures has important implications for the long-term trajectories of urban public health governance in the global South…(More)”

Theorizing the functions and patterns of agency in the policymaking process

Paper by Giliberto Capano, et al: “Theories of the policy process understand the dynamics of policymaking as the result of the interaction of structural and agency variables. While these theories tend to conceptualize structural variables in a careful manner, agency (i.e. the actions of individual agents, like policy entrepreneurs, policy leaders, policy brokers, and policy experts) is left as a residual piece in the puzzle of the causality of change and stability. This treatment of agency leaves room for conceptual overlaps, analytical confusion and empirical shortcomings that can complicate the life of the empirical researcher and, most importantly, hinder the ability of theories of the policy process to fully address the drivers of variation in policy dynamics. Drawing on Merton’s concept of function, this article presents a novel theorization of agency in the policy process. We start from the assumption that agency functions are a necessary component through which policy dynamics evolve. We then theorise that agency can fulfil four main functions – steering, innovation, intermediation and intelligence – that need to be performed, by individual agents, in any policy process through four patterns of action – leadership, entrepreneurship, brokerage and knowledge accumulation – and we provide a roadmap for operationalising and measuring these concepts. We then demonstrate what can be achieved in terms of analytical clarity and potential theoretical leverage by applying this novel conceptualisation to two major policy process theories: the Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) and the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF)…(More)”.

Behaviour-based dependency networks between places shape urban economic resilience

Paper by Takahiro Yabe et al: “Disruptions, such as closures of businesses during pandemics, not only affect businesses and amenities directly but also influence how people move, spreading the impact to other businesses and increasing the overall economic shock. However, it is unclear how much businesses depend on each other during disruptions. Leveraging human mobility data and same-day visits in five US cities, we quantify dependencies between points of interest encompassing businesses, stores and amenities. We find that dependency networks computed from human mobility exhibit significantly higher rates of long-distance connections and biases towards specific pairs of point-of-interest categories. We show that using behaviour-based dependency relationships improves the predictability of business resilience during shocks by around 40% compared with distance-based models, and that neglecting behaviour-based dependencies can lead to underestimation of the spatial cascades of disruptions. Our findings underscore the importance of measuring complex relationships in patterns of human mobility to foster urban economic resilience to shocks…(More)”.

Big brother: the effects of surveillance on fundamental aspects of social vision

Paper by Kiley Seymour et al: “Despite the dramatic rise of surveillance in our societies, only limited research has examined its effects on humans. While most research has focused on voluntary behaviour, no study has examined the effects of surveillance on more fundamental and automatic aspects of human perceptual awareness and cognition. Here, we show that being watched on CCTV markedly impacts a hardwired and involuntary function of human sensory perception—the ability to consciously detect faces. Using the method of continuous flash suppression (CFS), we show that when people are surveilled (N = 24), they are quicker than controls (N = 30) to detect faces. An independent control experiment (N = 42) ruled out an explanation based on demand characteristics and social desirability biases. These findings show that being watched impacts not only consciously controlled behaviours but also unconscious, involuntary visual processing. Our results have implications concerning the impacts of surveillance on basic human cognition as well as public mental health…(More)”.

Data solidarity: Operationalising public value through a digital tool

Paper by Seliem El-Sayed, Ilona Kickbusch & Barbara Prainsack: “Most data governance frameworks are designed to protect the individuals from whom data originates. However, the impacts of digital practices extend to a broader population and are embedded in significant power asymmetries within and across nations. Further, inequities in digital societies impact everyone, not just those directly involved. Addressing these challenges requires an approach which moves beyond individual data control and is grounded in the values of equity and a just contribution of benefits and risks from data use. Solidarity-based data governance (in short: data solidarity), suggests prioritising data uses over data type and proposes that data uses that generate public value should be actively facilitated, those that generate significant risks and harms should be prohibited or strictly regulated, and those that generate private benefits with little or no public value should be ‘taxed’ so that profits generated by corporate data users are reinvested in the public domain. In the context of global health data governance, the public value generated by data use is crucial. This contribution clarifies the meaning, importance, and potential of public value within data solidarity and outlines methods for its operationalisation through the PLUTO tool, specifically designed to assess the public value of data uses…(More)”.

The AI tool that can interpret any spreadsheet instantly

Article by Duncan C. McElfresh: “Say you run a hospital and you want to estimate which patients have the highest risk of deterioration so that your staff can prioritize their care1. You create a spreadsheet in which there is a row for each patient, and columns for relevant attributes, such as age or blood-oxygen level. The final column records whether the person deteriorated during their stay. You can then fit a mathematical model to these data to estimate an incoming patient’s deterioration risk. This is a classic example of tabular machine learning, a technique that uses tables of data to make inferences. This usually involves developing — and training — a bespoke model for each task. Writing in Nature, Hollmann et al.report a model that can perform tabular machine learning on any data set without being trained specifically to do so.

Tabular machine learning shares a rich history with statistics and data science. Its methods are foundational to modern artificial intelligence (AI) systems, including large language models (LLMs), and its influence cannot be overstated. Indeed, many online experiences are shaped by tabular machine-learning models, which recommend products, generate advertisements and moderate social-media content3. Essential industries such as healthcare and finance are also steadily, if cautiously, moving towards increasing their use of AI.

Despite the field’s maturity, Hollmann and colleagues’ advance could be revolutionary. The authors’ contribution is known as a foundation model, which is a general-purpose model that can be used in a range of settings. You might already have encountered foundation models, perhaps unknowingly, through AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion. These models enable a single tool to offer varied capabilities, including text translation and image generation. So what does a foundation model for tabular machine learning look like?

Let’s return to the hospital example. With spreadsheet in hand, you choose a machine-learning model (such as a neural network) and train the model with your data, using an algorithm that adjusts the model’s parameters to optimize its predictive performance (Fig. 1a). Typically, you would train several such models before selecting one to use — a labour-intensive process that requires considerable time and expertise. And of course, this process must be repeated for each unique task.

Figure 1 | A foundation model for tabular machine learning. a, Conventional machine-learning models are trained on individual data sets using mathematical optimization algorithms. A different model needs to be developed and trained for each task, and for each data set. This practice takes years to learn and requires extensive time and computing resources. b, By contrast, a ‘foundation’ model could be used for any machine-learning task and is pre-trained on the types of data used to train conventional models. This type of model simply reads a data set and can immediately produce inferences about new data points. Hollmann et al. developed a foundation model for tabular machine learning, in which inferences are made on the basis of tables of data. Tabular machine learning is used for tasks as varied as social-media moderation and hospital decision-making, so the authors’ advance is expected to have a profound effect in many areas…(More)”

In the hands of a few: Disaster recovery committee networks

Paper by Timothy Fraser, Daniel P. Aldrich, Andrew Small and Andrew Littlejohn: “When disaster strikes, urban planners often rely on feedback and guidance from committees of officials, residents, and interest groups when crafting reconstruction policy. Focusing on recovery planning committees after Japan’s 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disasters, we compile and analyze a dataset on committee membership patterns across 39 committees with 657 members. Using descriptive statistics and social network analysis, we examine 1) how community representation through membership varied among committees, and 2) in what ways did committees share members, interlinking members from certain interests groups. This study finds that community representation varies considerably among committees, negatively related to the prevalence of experts, bureaucrats, and business interests. Committee membership overlap occurred heavily along geographic boundaries, bridged by engineers and government officials. Engineers and government bureaucrats also tend to be connected to more members of the committee network than community representatives, giving them prized positions to disseminate ideas about best practices in recovery. This study underscores the importance of diversity and community representation in disaster recovery planning to facilitate equal participation, information access, and policy implementation across communities…(More)”.

Survey of attitudes in a Danish public towards reuse of health data

Paper by Lea Skovgaard et al: “Everyday clinical care generates vast amounts of digital data. A broad range of actors are interested in reusing these data for various purposes. Such reuse of health data could support medical research, healthcare planning, technological innovation, and lead to increased financial revenue. Yet, reuse also raises questions about what data subjects think about the use of health data for various different purposes. Based on a survey with 1071 respondents conducted in 2021 in Denmark, this article explores attitudes to health data reuse. Denmark is renowned for its advanced integration of data infrastructures, facilitating data reuse. This is therefore a relevant setting from which to explore public attitudes to reuse, both as authorities around the globe are currently working to facilitate data reuse opportunities, and in the light of the recent agreement on the establishment in 2024 of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) within the European Union (EU). Our study suggests that there are certain forms of health data reuse—namely transnational data sharing, commercial involvement, and use of data as national economic assets—which risk undermining public support for health data reuse. However, some of the purposes that the EHDS is supposed to facilitate are these three controversial purposes. Failure to address these public concerns could well challenge the long-term legitimacy and sustainability of the data infrastructures currently under construction…(More)”

Participatory seascape mapping: A community-based approach to ocean governance and marine conservation

Paper by Isabel James: “Despite the global proliferation of ocean governance frameworks that feature socioeconomic variables, the inclusion of community needs and local ecological knowledge remains underrepresented. Participatory mapping or Participatory GIS (PGIS) has emerged as a vital method to address this gap by engaging communities that are conventionally excluded from ocean planning and marine conservation. Originally developed for forest management and Indigenous land reclamation, the scholarship on PGIS remains predominantly focused on terrestrial landscapes. This review explores recent research that employs the method in the marine realm, detailing common methodologies, data types and applications in governance and conservation. A typology of ocean-centered PGIS studies was identified, comprising three main categories: fisheries, habitat classification and blue economy activities. Marine Protected Area (MPA) design and conflict management are the most prevalent conservation applications of PGIS. Case studies also demonstrate the method’s effectiveness in identifying critical marine habitats such as fish spawning grounds and monitoring endangered megafauna. Participatory mapping shows particular promise in resource and data limited contexts due to its ability to generate large quantities of relatively reliable, quick and low-cost data. Validation steps, including satellite imagery and ground-truthing, suggest encouraging accuracy of PGIS data, despite potential limitations related to human error and spatial resolution. This review concludes that participatory mapping not only enriches scientific research but also fosters trust and cooperation among stakeholders, ultimately contributing to more resilient and equitable ocean governance…(More)”.