datascience@berkeley Blog: ““Big Data.” It seems like the phrase is everywhere. The term was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013 , appeared in Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary by 2014
, and Gartner’s just-released 2014 Hype Cycle
shows “Big Data” passing the “Peak of Inflated Expectations” and on its way down into the “Trough of Disillusionment.” Big Data is all the rage. But what does it actually mean?
A commonly repeated definition cites the three Vs: volume, velocity, and variety. But others argue that it’s not the size of data that counts, but the tools being used, or the insights that can be drawn from a dataset.
To settle the question once and for all, we asked 40+ thought leaders in publishing, fashion, food, automobiles, medicine, marketing and every industry in between how exactly they would define the phrase “Big Data.” Their answers might surprise you! Take a look below to find out what big data is:
- John Akred, Founder and CTO, Silicon Valley Data Science
- Philip Ashlock, Chief Architect of
- Jon Bruner, Editor-at-Large, O’Reilly Media
- Reid Bryant, Data Scientist, Brooks Bell
- Mike Cavaretta, Data Scientist and Manager, Ford Motor Company
- Drew Conway, Head of Data, Project Florida
- Rohan Deuskar, CEO and Co-Founder, Stylitics
- Amy Escobar, Data Scientist, 2U
- Josh Ferguson, Chief Technology Officer, Mode Analytics
- John Foreman, Chief Data Scientist, MailChimp
- …
FULL LIST at datascience@berkeley Blog”