Federal Privacy Council: “The Law Library is a compilation of information about and links to select Federal laws related to the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of personally identifiable information (PII) by departments and agencies within the Federal Government. The Law Library does not include all laws that are relevant to privacy or the management of PII in the Federal Government.
The Law Library only includes laws applicable to the Federal Government. Although some of the laws included may also be applicable to entities outside of the Federal Government, the information provided on the Law Library pages is strictly limited to the application of those laws to the Federal Government; the information provided does not in any way address the application of any law to the private sector or other non-Federal entities.
The Law Library pages have been prepared by members of the Federal Privacy Council and consist of information from and links to other Federal Government websites. The Federal Privacy Council is not responsible for the content of any third-party website, and links to other websites do not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendation of those sites or the information they provide.
The material in the Law Library is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided may not reflect current legal developments or agency-specific requirements, and it may not be correct or complete. The Federal Privacy Council does not have authority to provide legal advice, to set policies for the Federal Government, or to represent the views of the Federal Government or the views of any agency within the Federal Government; accordingly, the information on this website in no way constitutes policy or legal advice, nor does it in any way reflect Federal Government views or opinions. Agencies shall consult law, regulation, and policy, including OMB guidance, to understand applicable requirements….(More)”