What AI Can Do for Your Country

Article by Jylana L. Sheats: “..Although most discussions of artificial intelligence focus on its impacts on business and research, AI is also poised to transform government in the United States and beyond. AI-guided disaster response is just one piece of the picture. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has an experimental AI program to diagnose COVID-19 and flu cases by analyzing the sound of patients coughing into their smartphones. The Department of Justice uses AI algorithms to help prioritize which tips in the FBI’s Threat Intake Processing System to act on first. Other proposals, still at the concept stage, aim to extend the applications of AI to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of nearly every aspect of public services. 

The early applications illustrate the potential for AI to make government operations more effective and responsive. They illustrate the looming challenges, too. The federal government will have to recruit, train, and retain skilled workers capable of managing the new technology, competing with the private sector for top talent. The government also faces a daunting task ensuring the ethical and equitable use of AI. Relying on algorithms to direct disaster relief or to flag high-priority crimes raises immediate concerns: What if biases built into the AI overlook some of the groups that most need assistance, or unfairly target certain populations? As AI becomes embedded into more government operations, the opportunities for misuse and unintended consequences will only expand…(More)”.