More-than-human governance experiments in Europe

Paper by Claudia Chwalisz & Lucy Reid: “There is a growing network of people and places exploring and practising how governance and policy design can draw on more-than-human intelligences. ‘More-than-human’ was initially coined by David Abram in his 1997 book The Spell of the Sensuous. The term refers to the animate earth and the impossibility of separating our human- ness from our relationship with it. Our exploration related to governance has been around how we might meaningfully consider our relationship with the living world when taking decisions. We have undertaken a short exploratory research project to learn who is... (More >)

We Need To Talk About Climate: How Citizens’ Assemblies Can Help Us Solve The Climate Crisis

Book by Graham Smith: “Citizens’ assemblies bring the shared wisdom of ordinary people into political decision-making. How might they help us address the climate crisis? The transition to net zero and climate resilient societies requires deep social and economic transformations that will have significant effects on citizens’ lives. Such a transition needs to engage the public directly. Climate assemblies show us how this can be done. This book explains the variety of climate assemblies that have taken place so far at local, national and international levels and explains why they have captured the imagination of government and activists alike.... (More >)

Uniting the UK’s Health Data: A Huge Opportunity for Society’

The Sudlow Review (UK): “…Surveys show that people in the UK overwhelmingly support the use of their health data with appropriate safeguards to improve lives. One of the review’s recommendations calls for continued engagement with patients, the public, and healthcare professionals to drive forward developments in health data research. The review also features several examples of harnessing health data for public benefit in the UK, such as the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic. But successes like these are few and far between due to complex systems and governance. The review reveals that: Access to datasets is difficult or... (More >)

Once Upon a Crime: Towards Crime Prediction from Demographics and Mobile Data

Paper by Andrey Bogomolov, Bruno Lepri, Jacopo Staiano, Nuria Oliver, Fabio Pianesi, and Alex Pentland: “In this paper, we present a novel approach to predict crime in a geographic space from multiple data sources, in particular mobile phone and demographic data. The main contribution of the proposed approach lies in using aggregated and anonymized human behavioral data derived from mobile network activity to tackle the crime prediction problem. While previous research efforts have used either background historical knowledge or offenders’ profiling, our findings support the hypothesis that aggregated human behavioral data captured from the mobile network infrastructure, in combination... (More >)

Federated Data Infrastructures for Scientific Use

Policy paper by the German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures: “…provides an overview and a comparative in-depth analysis of the emerging research (and research related) data infrastructures NFDI, EOSC, Gaia-X and the European Data Spaces. In addition, the Council makes recommendations for their future development and coordination. The RfII notes that access to genuine high-quality research data and related core services is a matter of basic public supply and strongly advises to achieve coherence between the various initiatives and approaches... (More >)

Lottocracy: Democracy Without Elections

Book by Alexander Guerrero: “Democracy is in trouble. The system isn’t working. Inequality increases, many can barely get by, the elite control our political institutions. The earth, our only home, gets warmer year by year. We are deeply divided, unable to work together to address the problems we face. What if elections are the problem?Lottocracy makes the case that electoral representative democracy—although the best form of government that has been tried—runs into deep problems in the modern world. But it is not a message of despair. To the contrary. Lottocracy sets out a detailed vision of a new kind... (More >)

Critical Datafication Literacy

Book by Ina Sander: “Despite the increasing influence of data technologies on our world, many people still lack a profound understanding of what this ›datafication‹ means for their lives and our societies. Ina Sander argues that this knowledge gap cannot be addressed by digital skills alone, but that more critical and empowering approaches are needed. Through a review of existing literacies, an analysis of established education concepts, and empirical research on online educational resources about datafication, she develops a framework for »critical datafication literacy«. Novel insights on the design strategies, pedagogical methods and challenges of practitioners who foster such... (More >)

Inside the New Nonprofit AI Initiatives Seeking to Aid Teachers and Farmers in Rural Africa

Article by Andrew R. Chow: “Over the past year, rural farmers in Malawi have been seeking advice about their crops and animals from a generative AI chatbot. These farmers ask questions in Chichewa, their native tongue, and the app, Ulangizi, responds in kind, using conversational language based on information taken from the government’s agricultural manual. “In the past we could wait for days for agriculture extension workers to come and address whatever problems we had on our farms,” Maron Galeta, a Malawian farmer, told Bloomberg. “Just a touch of a button we have all the information we need.” The... (More >)

The Routledge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Philanthropy

Open Access Book edited by Giuseppe Ugazio and Milos Maricic: “…acts as a catalyst for the dialogue between two ecosystems with much to gain from collaboration: artificial intelligence (AI) and philanthropy. Bringing together leading academics, AI specialists, and philanthropy professionals, it offers a robust academic foundation for studying both how AI can be used and implemented within philanthropy and how philanthropy can guide the future development of AI in a responsible way. The contributors to this Handbook explore various facets of the AI‑philanthropy dynamic, critically assess hurdles to increased AI adoption and integration in philanthropy, map the application of... (More >)

Conversational Swarms of Humans and AI Agents enable Hybrid Collaborative Decision-making

Paper by Louis Rosenberg et al: “Conversational Swarm Intelligence (CSI) is an AI-powered communication and collaboration technology that allows large, networked groups (of potentially unlimited size) to hold thoughtful conversational deliberations in real-time. Inspired by the efficient decision-making dynamics of fish schools, CSI divides a human population into a set of small subgroups connected by AI agents. This enables the full group to hold a unified conversation. In this study, groups of 25 participants were tasked with selecting a roster of players in a real Fantasy Baseball contest. A total of 10 trials were run using CSI. In half... (More >)