You Can’t Regulate What You Don’t Understand

Article by Tim O’Reilly: “The world changed on November 30, 2022 as surely as it did on August 12, 1908 when the first Model T left the Ford assembly line. That was the date when OpenAI released ChatGPT, the day that AI emerged from research labs into an unsuspecting world. Within two months, ChatGPT had over a hundred million users—faster adoption than any technology in history.

The hand wringing soon began…

All of these efforts reflect the general consensus that regulations should address issues like data privacy and ownership, bias and fairness, transparency, accountability, and standards. OpenAI’s own AI safety and responsibility guidelines cite those same goals, but in addition call out what many people consider the central, most general question: how do we align AI-based decisions with human values? They write:

“AI systems are becoming a part of everyday life. The key is to ensure that these machines are aligned with human intentions and values.”

But whose human values? Those of the benevolent idealists that most AI critics aspire to be? Those of a public company bound to put shareholder value ahead of customers, suppliers, and society as a whole? Those of criminals or rogue states bent on causing harm to others? Those of someone well meaning who, like Aladdin, expresses an ill-considered wish to an all-powerful AI genie?

There is no simple way to solve the alignment problem. But alignment will be impossible without robust institutions for disclosure and auditing. If we want prosocial outcomes, we need to design and report on the metrics that explicitly aim for those outcomes and measure the extent to which they have been achieved. That is a crucial first step, and we should take it immediately. These systems are still very much under human control. For now, at least, they do what they are told, and when the results don’t match expectations, their training is quickly improved. What we need to know is what they are being told.

What should be disclosed? There is an important lesson for both companies and regulators in the rules by which corporations—which science-fiction writer Charlie Stross has memorably called “slow AIs”—are regulated. One way we hold companies accountable is by requiring them to share their financial results compliant with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or the International Financial Reporting Standards. If every company had a different way of reporting its finances, it would be impossible to regulate them…(More)”

Making AI Less “Thirsty”: Uncovering and Addressing the Secret Water Footprint of AI Models

Paper by Shaolei Ren, Pengfei Li, Jianyi Yang, and Mohammad A. Islam: “The growing carbon footprint of artificial intelligence (AI) models, especially large ones such as GPT-3 and GPT-4, has been undergoing public scrutiny. Unfortunately, however, the equally important and enormous water footprint of AI models has remained under the radar. For example, training GPT-3 in Microsoft’s state-of-the-art U.S. data centers can directly consume 700,000 liters of clean freshwater (enough for producing 370 BMW cars or 320 Tesla electric vehicles) and the water consumption would have been tripled if training were done in Microsoft’s Asian data centers, but such information has been kept as a secret. This is extremely concerning, as freshwater scarcity has become one of the most pressing challenges shared by all of us in the wake of the rapidly growing population, depleting water resources, and aging water infrastructures. To respond to the global water challenges, AI models can, and also should, take social responsibility and lead by example by addressing their own water footprint. In this paper, we provide a principled methodology to estimate fine-grained water footprint of AI models, and also discuss the unique spatial-temporal diversities of AI models’ runtime water efficiency. Finally, we highlight the necessity of holistically addressing water footprint along with carbon footprint to enable truly sustainable AI…(More)”.

Recalibrating assumptions on AI

Essay by Arthur Holland Michel: “Many assumptions about artificial intelligence (AI) have become entrenched despite the lack of evidence to support them. Basing policies on these assumptions is likely to increase the risk of negative impacts for certain demographic groups. These dominant assumptions include claims that AI is ‘intelligent’ and ‘ethical’, that more data means better AI, and that AI development is a ‘race’.

The risks of this approach to AI policymaking are often ignored, while the potential positive impacts of AI tend to be overblown. By illustrating how a more evidence-based, inclusive discourse can improve policy outcomes, this paper makes the case for recalibrating the conversation around AI policymaking…(More)”

How public money is shaping the future of AI

Report by Ethica: “The European Union aims to become the “home of trustworthy Artificial Intelligence” and has committed the biggest existing public funding to invest in AI over the next decade. However, the lack of accessible data and comprehensive reporting on the Framework Programmes’ results and impact hinder the EU’s capacity to achieve its objectives and undermine the credibility of its commitments. 

This research commissioned by the European AI & Society Fund, recommends publicly accessible data, effective evaluation of the real-world impacts of funding, and mechanisms for civil society participation in funding before investing further public funds to achieve the EU’s goal of being the epicenter of trustworthy AI.

Among its findings, the research has highlighted the negative impact of the European Union’s investment in artificial intelligence (AI). The EU invested €10bn into AI via its Framework Programmes between 2014 and 2020, representing 13.4% of all available funding. However, the investment process is top-down, with little input from researchers or feedback from previous grantees or civil society organizations. Furthermore, despite the EU’s aim to fund market-focused innovation, research institutions and higher and secondary education establishments received 73% of the total funding between 2007 and 2020. Germany, France, and the UK were the largest recipients, receiving 37.4% of the total EU budget.

The report also explores the lack of commitment to ethical AI, with only 30.3% of funding calls related to AI mentioning trustworthiness, privacy, or ethics. Additionally, civil society organizations are not involved in the design of funding programs, and there is no evaluation of the economic or societal impact of the funded work. The report calls for political priorities to align with funding outcomes in specific, measurable ways, citing transport as the most funded sector in AI despite not being an EU strategic focus, while programs to promote SME and societal participation in scientific innovation have been dropped….(More)”.

The NIST Trustworthy and Responsible Artificial Intelligence Resource Center

About: “The NIST Trustworthy and Responsible Artificial Intelligence Resource Center (AIRC) is a platform to support people and organizations in government, industry, and academia—both in the U.S. and internationally—driving technical and scientific innovation in AI. It serves as a one-stop-shop for foundational content, technical documents, and AI toolkits such as repository hub for standards, measurement methods and metrics, and data sets. It also provides a common forum for all AI actors to engage and collaborate in the development and deployment of trustworthy and responsible AI technologies that benefit all people in a fair and equitable manner.

The NIST AIRC is developed to support and operationalize the NIST AI Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) and its accompanying playbook. To match the complexity of AI technology, the AIRC will grow over time to provide an engaging interactive space that enables stakeholders to share AI RMF case studies and profiles, educational materials and technical guidance related to AI risk management.

The initial release of the AIRC ( provides access to the foundational content, including the AI RMF 1.0, the playbook, and a trustworthy and responsible AI glossary. It is anticipated that in the coming months enhancements to the AIRC will include structured access to relevant technical and policy documents; access to a standards hub that connects various standards promoted around the globe; a metrics hub to assist in test, evaluation, verification, and validation of AI; as well as software tools, resources and guidance that promote trustworthy and responsible AI development and use. Visitors to the AIRC will be able to tailor the above content they see based on their requirements (organizational role, area of expertise, etc.).

Over time the Trustworthy and Responsible AI Resource Center will enable distribution of stakeholder produced content, case studies, and educational materials…(More)”.

Outsourcing Virtue

Essay by  L. M. Sacasas: “To take a different class of example, we might think of the preoccupation with technological fixes to what may turn out to be irreducibly social and political problems. In a prescient essay from 2020 about the pandemic response, the science writer Ed Yong observed that “instead of solving social problems, the U.S. uses techno-fixes to bypass them, plastering the wounds instead of removing the source of injury—and that’s if people even accept the solution on offer.” There’s no need for good judgment, responsible governance, self-sacrifice or mutual care if there’s an easy technological fix to ostensibly solve the problem. No need, in other words, to be good, so long as the right technological solution can be found.

Likewise, there’s no shortage of examples involving algorithmic tools intended to outsource human judgment. Consider the case of NarxCare, a predictive program developed by Appriss Health, as reported in Wired in 2021. NarxCare is “an ‘analytics tool and care management platform’ that purports to instantly and automatically identify a patient’s risk of misusing opioids.” The article details the case of a 32-year-old woman suffering from endometriosis whose pain medications were cut off, without explanation or recourse, because she triggered a high-risk score from the proprietary algorithm. The details of the story are both fascinating and disturbing, but here’s the pertinent part for my purposes:

Appriss is adamant that a NarxCare score is not meant to supplant a doctor’s diagnosis. But physicians ignore these numbers at their peril. Nearly every state now uses Appriss software to manage its prescription drug monitoring programs, and most legally require physicians and pharmacists to consult them when prescribing controlled substances, on penalty of losing their license.

This is an obviously complex and sensitive issue, but it is hard to escape the conclusion that the use of these algorithmic systems exacerbates the same demoralizing opaqueness, evasion of responsibility and cover-your-ass dynamics that have long characterized analog bureaucracies. It becomes difficult to assume responsibility for a particular decision made in a particular case. Or, to put it otherwise, it becomes too easy to claim “the algorithm made me do it,” and it becomes so, in part, because the existing bureaucratic dynamics all but require it…(More)”.

We need a much more sophisticated debate about AI

Article by Jamie Susskind: “Twentieth-century ways of thinking will not help us deal with the huge regulatory challenges the technology poses…The public debate around artificial intelligence sometimes seems to be playing out in two alternate realities.

In one, AI is regarded as a remarkable but potentially dangerous step forward in human affairs, necessitating new and careful forms of governance. This is the view of more than a thousand eminent individuals from academia, politics, and the tech industry who this week used an open letter to call for a six-month moratorium on the training of certain AI systems. AI labs, they claimed, are “locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds”. Such systems could “pose profound risks to society and humanity”. 

On the same day as the open letter, but in a parallel universe, the UK government decided that the country’s principal aim should be to turbocharge innovation. The white paper on AI governance had little to say about mitigating existential risk, but lots to say about economic growth. It proposed the lightest of regulatory touches and warned against “unnecessary burdens that could stifle innovation”. In short: you can’t spell “laissez-faire” without “AI”. 

The difference between these perspectives is profound. If the open letter is taken at face value, the UK government’s approach is not just wrong, but irresponsible. And yet both viewpoints are held by reasonable people who know their onions. They reflect an abiding political disagreement which is rising to the top of the agenda.

But despite this divergence there are four ways of thinking about AI that ought to be acceptable to both sides.

First, it is usually unhelpful to debate the merits of regulation by reference to a particular crisis (Cambridge Analytica), technology (GPT-4), person (Musk), or company (Meta). Each carries its own problems and passions. A sound regulatory system will be built on assumptions that are sufficiently general in scope that they will not immediately be superseded by the next big thing. Look at the signal, not the noise…(More)”.

How AI Could Revolutionize Diplomacy

Article by Andrew Moore: “More than a year into Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, there are few signs the conflict will end anytime soon. Ukraine’s success on the battlefield has been powered by the innovative use of new technologies, from aerial drones to open-source artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Yet ultimately, the war in Ukraine—like any other war—will end with negotiations. And although the conflict has spurred new approaches to warfare, diplomatic methods remain stuck in the 19th century.

Yet not even diplomacy—one of the world’s oldest professions—can resist the tide of innovation. New approaches could come from global movements, such as the Peace Treaty Initiative, to reimagine incentives to peacemaking. But much of the change will come from adopting and adapting new technologies.

With advances in areas such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, the internet of things, and distributed ledger technology, today’s emerging technologies will offer new tools and techniques for peacemaking that could impact every step of the process—from the earliest days of negotiations all the way to monitoring and enforcing agreements…(More)”.

Eye of the Beholder: Defining AI Bias Depends on Your Perspective

Article by Mike Barlow: “…Today’s conversations about AI bias tend to focus on high-visibility social issues such as racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and economic inequality. But there are dozens and dozens of known biases (e.g., confirmation bias, hindsight bias, availability bias, anchoring bias, selection bias, loss aversion bias, outlier bias, survivorship bias, omitted variable bias and many, many others). Jeff Desjardins, founder and editor-in-chief at Visual Capitalist, has published a fascinating infographic depicting 188 cognitive biases–and those are just the ones we know about.

Ana Chubinidze, founder of AdalanAI, a Berlin-based AI governance startup, worries that AIs will develop their own invisible biases. Currently, the term “AI bias” refers mostly to human biases that are embedded in historical data. “Things will become more difficult when AIs begin creating their own biases,” she says.

She foresees that AIs will find correlations in data and assume they are causal relationships—even if those relationships don’t exist in reality. Imagine, she says, an edtech system with an AI that poses increasingly difficult questions to students based on their ability to answer previous questions correctly. The AI would quickly develop a bias about which students are “smart” and which aren’t, even though we all know that answering questions correctly can depend on many factors, including hunger, fatigue, distraction, and anxiety. 

Nevertheless, the edtech AI’s “smarter” students would get challenging questions and the rest would get easier questions, resulting in unequal learning outcomes that might not be noticed until the semester is over—or might not be noticed at all. Worse yet, the AI’s bias would likely find its way into the system’s database and follow the students from one class to the next…

As we apply AI more widely and grapple with its implications, it becomes clear that bias itself is a slippery and imprecise term, especially when it is conflated with the idea of unfairness. Just because a solution to a particular problem appears “unbiased” doesn’t mean that it’s fair, and vice versa. 

“There is really no mathematical definition for fairness,” Stoyanovich says. “Things that we talk about in general may or may not apply in practice. Any definitions of bias and fairness should be grounded in a particular domain. You have to ask, ‘Whom does the AI impact? What are the harms and who is harmed? What are the benefits and who benefits?’”…(More)”.

AI Ethics

Textbook by Paula Boddington: “This book introduces readers to critical ethical concerns in the development and use of artificial intelligence. Offering clear and accessible information on central concepts and debates in AI ethics, it explores how related problems are now forcing us to address fundamental, age-old questions about human life, value, and meaning. In addition, the book shows how foundational and theoretical issues relate to concrete controversies, with an emphasis on understanding how ethical questions play out in practice.

All topics are explored in depth, with clear explanations of relevant debates in ethics and philosophy, drawing on both historical and current sources. Questions in AI ethics are explored in the context of related issues in technology, regulation, society, religion, and culture, to help readers gain a nuanced understanding of the scope of AI ethics within broader debates and concerns…(More)”