Constructing Valid Geospatial Tools for Environmental Justice

Report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: “Decades of research have shown that the most disadvantaged communities exist at the intersection of high levels of hazard exposure, racial and ethnic marginalization, and poverty.

Mapping and geographical information systems have been crucial for analyzing the environmental burdens of marginalized communities, and several federal and state geospatial tools have emerged to help address environmental justice concerns — such as the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool developed in 2022 in response to Justice40 initiatives from the Biden administration.

Constructing Valid Geospatial Tools for Environmental Justice, a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, offers recommendations for developing environmental justice tools that reflect the experiences of the communities they measure.

The report recommends data strategies focused on community engagement, validation, and documentation. It emphasizes using a structured development process and offers guidance for selecting and assessing indicators, integrating indicators, and incorporating cumulative impact scoring. Tool developers should choose measures of economic burden beyond the federal poverty level that account for additional dimensions of wealth and geographic variations in cost of living. They should also use indicators that measure the impacts of racism in policies and practices that have led to current disparities…(More)”.

Governing mediation in the data ecosystem: lessons from media governance for overcoming data asymmetries

Chapter by Stefaan Verhulst in Handbook of Media and Communication Governance edited by Manuel Puppis , Robin Mansell , and Hilde Van den Bulck: “The internet and the accompanying datafication were heralded to usher in a golden era of disintermediation. Instead, the modern data ecology witnessed a process of remediation, or ‘hyper-mediation’, resulting in governance challenges, many of which underlie broader socioeconomic difficulties. Particularly, the rise of data asymmetries and silos create new forms of scarcity and dominance with deleterious political, economic and cultural consequences. Responding to these challenges requires a new data governance framework, focused on unlocking data and developing a more data pluralistic ecosystem. We argue for regulation and policy focused on promoting data collaboratives, an emerging form of cross-sectoral partnership; and on the establishment of data stewards, individuals/groups tasked with managing and responsibly sharing organizations’ data assets. Some regulatory steps are discussed, along with the various ways in which these two emerging stakeholders can help alleviate data scarcities and their associated problems…(More)”

Using AI to Map Urban Change

Brief by Tianyuan Huang, Zejia Wu, Jiajun Wu, Jackelyn Hwang, Ram Rajagopal: “Cities are constantly evolving, and better understanding those changes facilitates better urban planning and infrastructure assessments and leads to more sustainable social and environmental interventions. Researchers currently use data such as satellite imagery to study changing urban environments and what those changes mean for public policy and urban design. But flaws in the current approaches, such as inadequately granular data, limit their scalability and their potential to inform public policy across social, political, economic, and environmental issues.

Street-level images offer an alternative source of insights. These images are frequently updated and high-resolution. They also directly capture what’s happening on a street level in a neighborhood or across a city. Analyzing street-level images has already proven useful to researchers studying socioeconomic attributes and neighborhood gentrification, both of which are essential pieces of information in urban design, sustainability efforts, and public policy decision-making for cities. Yet, much like other data sources, street-level images present challenges: accessibility limits, shadow and lighting issues, and difficulties scaling up analysis.

To address these challenges, our paper “CityPulse: Fine-Grained Assessment of Urban Change with Street View Time Series” introduces a multicity dataset of labeled street-view images and proposes a novel artificial intelligence (AI) model to detect urban changes such as gentrification. We demonstrate the change-detection model’s effectiveness by testing it on images from Seattle, Washington, and show that it can provide important insights into urban changes over time and at scale. Our data-driven approach has the potential to allow researchers and public policy analysts to automate and scale up their analysis of neighborhood and citywide socioeconomic change…(More)”.

Rejecting Public Utility Data Monopolies

Paper by Amy L. Stein: “The threat of monopoly power looms large today. Although not the telecommunications and tobacco monopolies of old, the Goliaths of Big Tech have become today’s target for potential antitrust violations. It is not only their control over the social media infrastructure and digital advertising technologies that gives people pause, but their monopolistic collection, use, and sale of customer data. But large technology companies are not the only private companies that have exclusive access to your data; that can crowd out competitors; and that can hold, use, or sell your data with little to no regulation. These other private companies are not data companies, platforms, or even brokers. They are public utilities.

Although termed “public utilities,” these entities are overwhelmingly private, shareholder-owned entities. Like private Big Tech, utilities gather incredible amounts of data from customers and use this data in various ways. And like private Big Tech, these utilities can exercise exclusionary and self-dealing anticompetitive behavior with respect to customer data. But there is one critical difference— unlike Big Tech, utilities enjoy an implied immunity from antitrust laws. This state action immunity has historically applied to utility provision of essential services like electricity and heat. As utilities find themselves in the position of unsuspecting data stewards, however, there is a real and unexplored question about whether their long- enjoyed antitrust immunity should extend to their data practices.

As the first exploration of this question, this Article tests the continuing application and rationale of the state action immunity doctrine to the evolving services that a utility provides as the grid becomes digitized. It demonstrates the importance of staunching the creep of state action immunity over utility data practices. And it recognizes the challenges of developing remedies for such data practices that do not disrupt the state-sanctioned monopoly powers of utilities over the provision of essential services. This Article analyzes both antitrust and regulatory remedies, including a new customer- focused “data duty,” as possible mechanisms to enhance consumer (ratepayer) welfare in this space. Exposing utility data practices to potential antitrust liability may be just the lever that is needed to motivate states, public utility commissions, and utilities to develop a more robust marketplace for energy data…(More)”.

This is AI’s brain on AI

Article by Alison Snyder Data to train AI models increasingly comes from other AI models in the form of synthetic data, which can fill in chatbots’ knowledge gaps but also destabilize them.

The big picture: As AI models expand in size, their need for data becomes insatiable — but high quality human-made data is costly, and growing restrictions on the text, images and other kinds of data freely available on the web are driving the technology’s developers toward machine-produced alternatives.

State of play: AI-generated data has been used for years to supplement data in some fields, including medical imaging and computer vision, that use proprietary or private data.

  • But chatbots are trained on public data collected from across the internet that is increasingly being restricted — while at the same time, the web is expected to be flooded with AI-generated content.

Those constraints and the decreasing cost of generating synthetic data are spurring companies to use AI-generated data to help train their models.

  • Meta, Google, Anthropic and others are using synthetic data — alongside human-generated data — to help train the AI models that power their chatbots.
  • Google DeepMind’s new AlphaGeometry 2 system that can solve math Olympiad problems is trained from scratch on synthetic data…(More)”

Generative Discrimination: What Happens When Generative AI Exhibits Bias, and What Can Be Done About It

Paper by Philipp Hacker, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Brent Mittelstadt and Sandra Wachter: “Generative AI (genAI) technologies, while beneficial, risk increasing discrimination by producing demeaning content and subtle biases through inadequate representation of protected groups. This chapter examines these issues, categorizing problematic outputs into three legal categories: discriminatory content; harassment; and legally hard cases like harmful stereotypes. It argues for holding genAI providers and deployers liable for discriminatory outputs and highlights the inadequacy of traditional legal frameworks to address genAI-specific issues. The chapter suggests updating EU laws to mitigate biases in training and input data, mandating testing and auditing, and evolving legislation to enforce standards for bias mitigation and inclusivity as technology advances…(More)”.

A.I. May Save Us, or May Construct Viruses to Kill Us

Article by Nicholas Kristof: “Here’s a bargain of the most horrifying kind: For less than $100,000, it may now be possible to use artificial intelligence to develop a virus that could kill millions of people.

That’s the conclusion of Jason Matheny, the president of the RAND Corporation, a think tank that studies security matters and other issues.

“It wouldn’t cost more to create a pathogen that’s capable of killing hundreds of millions of people versus a pathogen that’s only capable of killing hundreds of thousands of people,” Matheny told me.

In contrast, he noted, it could cost billions of dollars to produce a new vaccine or antiviral in response…

In the early 2000s, some of us worried about smallpox being reintroduced as a bioweapon if the virus were stolen from the labs in Atlanta and in Russia’s Novosibirsk region that retain the virus since the disease was eradicated. But with synthetic biology, now it wouldn’t have to be stolen.

Some years ago, a research team created a cousin of the smallpox virus, horse pox, in six months for $100,000, and with A.I. it could be easier and cheaper to refine the virus.

One reason biological weapons haven’t been much used is that they can boomerang. If Russia released a virus in Ukraine, it could spread to Russia. But a retired Chinese general has raised the possibility of biological warfare that targets particular races or ethnicities (probably imperfectly), which would make bioweapons much more useful. Alternatively, it might be possible to develop a virus that would kill or incapacitate a particular person, such as a troublesome president or ambassador, if one had obtained that person’s DNA at a dinner or reception.

Assessments of ethnic-targeting research by China are classified, but they may be why the U.S. Defense Department has said that the most important long-term threat of biowarfare comes from China.

A.I. has a more hopeful side as well, of course. It holds the promise of improving education, reducing auto accidents, curing cancers and developing miraculous new pharmaceuticals.

One of the best-known benefits is in protein folding, which can lead to revolutionary advances in medical care. Scientists used to spend years or decades figuring out the shapes of individual proteins, and then a Google initiative called AlphaFold was introduced that could predict the shapes within minutes. “It’s Google Maps for biology,” Kent Walker, president of global affairs at Google, told me.

Scientists have since used updated versions of AlphaFold to work on pharmaceuticals including a vaccine against malaria, one of the greatest killers of humans throughout history.

So it’s unclear whether A.I. will save us or kill us first…(More)”.

Future-proofing government data

Article by Amy Jones: “Vast amounts of data are fueling innovation and decision-making, and agencies representing the United States government are custodian to some of the largest repositories of data in the world. As one of the world’s largest data creators and consumers, the federal government has made substantial investments in sourcing, curating, and leveraging data across many domains. However, the increasing reliance on artificial intelligence to extract insights and drive efficiencies necessitates a strategic pivot: agencies must evolve data management practices to identify and discriminate synthetic data from organic sources to safeguard the integrity and utility of data assets.

AI’s transformative potential is contingent on the availability of high-quality data. Data readiness includes attention to quality, accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness and relevance, at a minimum, and agencies are adopting robust data governance frameworks that enforce data quality standards at every stage of the data lifecycle. This includes implementing advanced data validation techniques, fostering a culture of data stewardship, and leveraging state-of-the-art tools for continuous data quality monitoring…(More)”.

The problem of ‘model collapse’: how a lack of human data limits AI progress

Article by Michael Peel: “The use of computer-generated data to train artificial intelligence models risks causing them to produce nonsensical results, according to new research that highlights looming challenges to the emerging technology. 

Leading AI companies, including OpenAI and Microsoft, have tested the use of “synthetic” data — information created by AI systems to then also train large language models (LLMs) — as they reach the limits of human-made material that can improve the cutting-edge technology.

Research published in Nature on Wednesday suggests the use of such data could lead to the rapid degradation of AI models. One trial using synthetic input text about medieval architecture descended into a discussion of jackrabbits after fewer than 10 generations of output. 

The work underlines why AI developers have hurried to buy troves of human-generated data for training — and raises questions of what will happen once those finite sources are exhausted. 

“Synthetic data is amazing if we manage to make it work,” said Ilia Shumailov, lead author of the research. “But what we are saying is that our current synthetic data is probably erroneous in some ways. The most surprising thing is how quickly this stuff happens.”

The paper explores the tendency of AI models to collapse over time because of the inevitable accumulation and amplification of mistakes from successive generations of training.

The speed of the deterioration is related to the severity of shortcomings in the design of the model, the learning process and the quality of data used. 

The early stages of collapse typically involve a “loss of variance”, which means majority subpopulations in the data become progressively over-represented at the expense of minority groups. In late-stage collapse, all parts of the data may descend into gibberish…(More)”.

When A.I. Fails the Language Test, Who Is Left Out of the Conversation?

Article by Sara Ruberg: “While the use of A.I. has exploded in the West, much of the rest of the world has been left out of the conversation since most of the technology is trained in English. A.I. experts worry that the language gap could exacerbate technological inequities, and that it could leave many regions and cultures behind.

A delay of access to good technology of even a few years, “can potentially lead to a few decades of economic delay,” said Sang Truong, a Ph.D. candidate at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University on the team that built and tested a Vietnamese language model against others.

The tests his team ran found that A.I. tools across the board could get facts and diction wrong when working with Vietnamese, likely because it is a “low-resource” language by industry standards, which means that there aren’t sufficient data sets and content available online for the A.I. model to learn from.

Low-resource languages are spoken by tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of people around the world, but they yield less digital data because A.I. tech development and online engagement is centered in the United States and China. Other low-resource languages include Hindi, Bengali and Swahili, as well as lesser-known dialects spoken by smaller populations around the world.

An analysis of top websites by W3Techs, a tech survey company, found that English makes up over 60 percent of the internet’s language data. While English is widely spoken globally, native English speakers make up about 5 percent of the population, according to Ethnologue, a research organization that collects language data. Mandarin and Spanish are other examples of languages with a significant online presence and reliable digital data sets.

Academic institutions, grass-roots organizations and volunteer efforts are playing catch-up to build resources for speakers of languages who aren’t as well represented in the digital landscape.

Lelapa AI, based in Johannesburg, is one such company leading efforts on the African continent. The South African-based start-up is developing multilingual A.I. products for people and businesses in Africa…(More)”.