Meaningful Consent: The Economics of Privity in Networked Environments

Paper by Jonathan Cave: “Recent work on privacy (e.g. WEIS 2013/4, Meaningful Consent in the Digital Economy project) recognises the unanticipated consequences of data-centred legal protections in a world of shifting relations between data and human actors. But the rules have not caught up with these changes, and the irreversible consequences of ‘make do and mend’ are not often taken into account when changing policy.

Many of the most-protected ‘personal’ data are not personal at all, but are created to facilitate the operation of larger (e.g. administrative, economic, transport) systems or inadvertently generated by using such systems. The protection given to such data typically rests on notions of informed consent even in circumstances where such consent may be difficult to define, harder to give and nearly impossible to certify in meaningful ways. Such protections typically involve a mix of data collection, access and processing rules that are either imposed on behalf of individuals or are to be exercised by them. This approach adequately protects some personal interests, but not all – and is definitely not future-proof. Boundaries between allowing individuals to discover and pursue their interests on one side and behavioural manipulation on the other are often blurred. The costs (psychological and behavioural as well as economic and practical) of exercising control over one’s data are rarely taken into account as some instances of the Right to be Forgotten illustrate. The purposes for which privacy rights were constructed are often forgotten, or have not been reinterpreted in a world of ubiquitous monitoring data, multi-person ‘private exchanges,’ and multiple pathways through which data can be used to create and to capture value. Moreover, the parties who should be involved in making decisions – those connected by a network of informational relationships – are often not in contractual, practical or legal contact. These developments, associated with e.g. the Internet of Things, Cloud computing and big data analytics, should be recognised as challenging privacy rules and, more fundamentally, the adequacy of informed consent (e.g. to access specified data for specified purposes) as a means of managing innovative, flexible, and complex informational architectures.

This paper presents a framework for organising these challenges using them to evaluate proposed policies, specifically in relation to complex, automated, automatic or autonomous data collection, processing and use. It argues for a movement away from a system of property rights based on individual consent to a values-based ‘privity’ regime – a collection of differentiated (relational as well as property) rights and consents that may be better able to accommodate innovations. Privity regimes (see deFillipis 2006) bundle together rights regarding e.g. confidential disclosure with ‘standing’ or voice options in relation to informational linkages.

The impacts are examined through a game-theoretic comparison between the proposed privity regime and existing privacy rights in personal data markets that include: conventional ‘behavioural profiling’ and search; situations where third parties may have complementary roles conflicting interests in such data and where data have value in relation both to specific individuals and to larger groups (e.g. ‘real-world’ health data); n-sided markets on data platforms (including social and crowd-sourcing platforms with long and short memories); and the use of ‘privity-like’ rights inherited by data objects and by autonomous systems whose ownership may be shared among many people….(More)”

Journal of Technology Science

Technology Science is an open access forum for any original material dealing primarily with a social, political, personal, or organizational benefit or adverse consequence of technology. Studies that characterize a technology-society clash or present an approach to better harmonize technology and society are especially welcomed. Papers can come from anywhere in the world.

Technology Science is interested in reviews of research, experiments, surveys, tutorials, and analyses. Writings may propose solutions or describe unsolved problems. Technology Science may also publish letters, short communications, and relevant news items. All submissions are peer-reviewed.

The scientific study of technology-society clashes is a cross-disciplinary pursuit, so papers in Technology Science may come from any of many possible disciplinary traditions, including but not limited to social science, computer science, political science, law, economics, policy, or statistics.

The Data Privacy Lab at Harvard University publishes Technology Science and its affiliated subset of papers called the Journal of Technology Science and maintains them online at and at Technology Science is available free of charge over the Internet. While it is possible that bound paper copies of Technology Science content may be produced for a fee, all content will continue to be offered online at no charge….(More)”


Open Data: A 21st Century Asset for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

“The economic and social potential of open data is widely acknowledged. In particular, the business opportunities have received much attention. But for all the excitement, we still know very little about how and under what conditions open data really works.

To broaden our understanding of the use and impact of open data, the GovLab has a variety of initiatives and studies underway. Today, we share publicly our findings on how Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are leveraging open data for a variety of purposes. Our paper “Open Data: A 21st Century Asset for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises” seeks to build a portrait of the lifecycle of open data—how it is collected, stored and used. It outlines some of the most important parameters of an open data business model for SMEs….

The paper analyzes ten aspects of open data and establishes ten principles for its effective use by SMEs. Taken together, these offer a roadmap for any SME considering greater use or adoption of open data in its business.

Among the key findings included in the paper:

  • SMEs, which often lack access to data or sophisticated analytical tools to process large datasets, are likely to be one of the chief beneficiaries of open data.
  • Government data is the main category of open data being used by SMEs. A number of SMEs are also using open scientific and shared corporate data.
  • Open data is used primarily to serve the Business-to-Business (B2B) markets, followed by the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) markets. A number of the companies studied serve two or three market segments simultaneously.
  • Open data is usually a free resource, but SMEs are monetizing their open-data-driven services to build viable businesses. The most common revenue models include subscription-based services, advertising, fees for products and services, freemium models, licensing fees, lead generation and philanthropic grants.
  • The most significant challenges SMEs face in using open data include those concerning data quality and consistency, insufficient financial and human resources, and issues surrounding privacy.

This is just a sampling of findings and observations. The paper includes a number of additional observations concerning business and revenue models, product development, customer acquisition, and other subjects of relevance to any company considering an open data strategy.”

Can big databases be kept both anonymous and useful?

The Economist: “….The anonymisation of a data record typically means the removal from it of personally identifiable information. Names, obviously. But also phone numbers, addresses and various intimate details like dates of birth. Such a record is then deemed safe for release to researchers, and even to the public, to make of it what they will. Many people volunteer information, for example to medical trials, on the understanding that this will happen.

But the ability to compare databases threatens to make a mockery of such protections. Participants in genomics projects, promised anonymity in exchange for their DNA, have been identified by simple comparison with electoral rolls and other publicly available information. The health records of a governor of Massachusetts were plucked from a database, again supposedly anonymous, of state-employee hospital visits using the same trick. Reporters sifting through a public database of web searches were able to correlate them in order to track down one, rather embarrassed, woman who had been idly searching for single men. And so on.

Each of these headline-generating stories creates a demand for more controls. But that, in turn, deals a blow to the idea of open data—that the electronic “data exhaust” people exhale more or less every time they do anything in the modern world is actually useful stuff which, were it freely available for analysis, might make that world a better place.

Of cake, and eating it

Modern cars, for example, record in their computers much about how, when and where the vehicle has been used. Comparing the records of many vehicles, says Viktor Mayer-Schönberger of the Oxford Internet Institute, could provide a solid basis for, say, spotting dangerous stretches of road. Similarly, an opening of health records, particularly in a country like Britain, which has a national health service, and cross-fertilising them with other personal data, might help reveal the multifarious causes of diseases like Alzheimer’s.

This is a true dilemma. People want both perfect privacy and all the benefits of openness. But they cannot have both. The stripping of a few details as the only means of assuring anonymity, in a world choked with data exhaust, cannot work. Poorly anonymised data are only part of the problem. What may be worse is that there is no standard for anonymisation. Every American state, for example, has its own prescription for what constitutes an adequate standard.

Worse still, devising a comprehensive standard may be impossible. Paul Ohm of Georgetown University, in Washington, DC, thinks that this is partly because the availability of new data constantly shifts the goalposts. “If we could pick an industry standard today, it would be obsolete in short order,” he says. Some data, such as those about medical conditions, are more sensitive than others. Some data sets provide great precision in time or place, others merely a year or a postcode. Each set presents its own dangers and requirements.

Fortunately, there are a few easy fixes. Thanks in part to the headlines, many now agree that public release of anonymised data is a bad move. Data could instead be released piecemeal, or kept in-house and accessible by researchers through a question-and-answer mechanism. Or some users could be granted access to raw data, but only in strictly controlled conditions.

All these approaches, though, are anathema to the open-data movement, because they limit the scope of studies. “If we’re making it so hard to share that only a few have access,” says Tim Althoff, a data scientist at Stanford University, “that has profound implications for science, for people being able to replicate and advance your work.”

Purely legal approaches might mitigate that. Data might come with what have been called “downstream contractual obligations”, outlining what can be done with a given data set and holding any onward recipients to the same standards. One perhaps draconian idea, suggested by Daniel Barth-Jones, an epidemiologist at Columbia University, in New York, is to make it illegal even to attempt re-identification….(More).”

5 Tips for Designing a Data for Good Initiative

Mitul Desai at Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth: “The transformative impact of data on development projects, captured in the hashtag #DATARevolution, offers the social and private sectors alike a rallying point to enlist data in the service of high-impact development initiatives.

To help organizations design initiatives that are authentic to their identity and capabilities, we’re sharing what’s necessary to navigate the deeply interconnected organizational, technical and ethical aspects of creating a Data for Good initiative.

1) Define the need

At the center of a Data for Good initiative are the individual beneficiaries you are seeking to serve. This is foundation on which the “Good” of Data for Good rests.

Understanding the data and expertise needed to better serve such individuals will bring into focus the areas where your organization can contribute and the partners you might engage. As we’ve covered in past posts, collaboration between agents who bring different layers of expertise to Data for Good projects is a powerful formula for change….

2) Understand what data can make a difference

Think about what kind of data can tell a story that’s relevant to your mission. Claudia Perlich of Dstillery says: “The question is first and foremost, what decision do I have to make and which data can tell me something about that decision.” This great introduction to what different kinds of data are relevant in different settings can give you concrete examples.

3) Get the right tools for the job

By one estimate, some 90% of business-relevant data are unstructured or semi-structured (think texts, tweets, images, audio) as opposed to structured data like numbers that easily fit into the lines of a spreadsheet. Perlich notes that while it’s more challenging to mine this unstructured data, they can yield especially powerful insights with the right tools—which thankfully aren’t that hard to identify…..

4) Build a case that moves your organization

“While our programs are designed to serve organizations no matter what their capacity, we do find that an organization’s clarity around mission and commitment to using data to drive decision-making are two factors that can make or break a project,” says Jake Porway, founder and executive director of DataKind, a New York-based data science nonprofit that helps organizations develop Data for Good initiatives…..

5) Make technology serve people-centric ethics

The two most critical ethical factors to consider are informed consent and privacy—both require engaging the community you wish to serve as individual actors….

“Employ data-privacy walls, mask the data from the point of collection and encrypt the data you store. Ensure that appropriate technical and organizational safeguards are in place to verify that the data can’t be used to identify individuals or target demographics in a way that could harm them,” recommends Quid’s Pedraza. To understand the technology of data encryption and masking, check out this post. (More)”

Making data open for everyone

Kathryn L.S. Pettit and Jonathan Schwabis at UrbanWire: “Over the past few years, there have been some exciting developments in open source tools and programming languages, business intelligence tools, big data, open data, and data visualization. These trends, and others, are changing the way we interact with and consume information and data. And that change is driving more organizations and governments to consider better ways to provide their data to more people.

The World Bank, for example, has a concerted effort underway to open its data in better and more visual ways. Google’s Public Data Explorer brings together large datasets from around the world into a single interface. For-profit providers like OpenGov and Socrata are helping local, state, and federal governments open their data (both internally and externally) in newer platforms.

We are firm believers in open data. (There are, of course, limitations to open data because of privacy or security, but that’s a discussion for another time). But open data is not simply about putting more data on the Internet. It’s not just only about posting files and telling people where to find them. To allow and encourage more people to use and interact with data, that data needs to be useful and readable not only by researchers, but also by the dad in northern Virginia or the student in rural Indiana who wants to know more about their public libraries.

Open data should be easy to access, analyze, and visualize

Many are working hard to provide more data in better ways, but we have a long way to go. Take, for example, the Congressional Budget Office (full disclosure, one of us used to work at CBO). Twice a year, CBO releases its Budget and Economic Outlook, which provides the 10-year budget projections for the federal government. Say you want to analyze 10-year budget projections for the Pell Grant program. You’d need to select “Get Data” and click on “Baseline Projections for Education” and then choose “Pell Grant Programs.” This brings you to a PDF report, where you can copy the data table you’re looking for into a format you can actually use (say, Excel). You would need to repeat the exercise to find projections for the 21 other programs for which the CBO provides data.

In another case, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has tried to provide users with query tools that avoid the use of PDFs, but still require extra steps to process. You can get the unemployment rate data through their Java Applet (which doesn’t work on all browsers, by the way), select the various series you want, and click “Get Data.” On the subsequent screen, you are given some basic formatting options, but the default display shows all of your data series as separate Excel files. You can then copy and paste or download each one and then piece them together.

Taking a step closer to the ideal of open data, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)followed President Obama’s May 2013 executive order to make their data open in a machine-readable format. That’s great, but it only goes so far. The IMLS platform, for example, allows you to explore information about your own public library. But the data are labeled with variable names such as BRANLIB and BKMOB that are not intuitive or clear. Users then have to find the data dictionary to understand what data fields mean, how they’re defined, and how to use them.

These efforts to provide more data represent real progress, but often fail to be useful to the average person. They move from publishing data that are not readable (buried in PDFs or systems that allow the user to see only one record at a time) to data that are machine-readable (libraries of raw data files or APIs, from which data can be extracted using computer code). We now need to move from a world in which data are simply machine-readable to one in which data are human-readable….(More)”

New Privacy Research Has Implications for Design and Policy

 at PrivacyTech: “Try visualizing the Internet’s basic architecture. Could you draw it? What would be your mental model for it?

Let’s be more specific: Say you just purchased shoes off a website using your mobile phone at work. How would you visualize that digital process? Would a deeper knowledge of this architecture make more apparent the myriad potential privacy risks in this transaction? Or to put it another way, what would your knowledge, or lack thereof, for these architectural underpinnings reveal about your understanding of privacy and security risks?

Whether you’re a Luddite or a tech wiz, creating these mental models of the Internet is not the easiest endeavor. Just try doing so yourself.

It is an exercise, however, that several individuals underwent for new research that has instructive implications for privacy and security pros.

“So everything I do on the Internet or that other people do on the Internet is basically asking the Internet for information, and the Internet is sending us to various places where the information is and then bringing us back.” – CO1

You’d think those who have a better understanding of how the Internet works would probably have a better understanding of the privacy and security risks, right? Most likely. Paradoxically, though, a better technological understanding may have very little influence on an individual’s response to potential privacy risks.

This is what a dedicated team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University worked to discover recently in their award-winning paper, “My Data Just Goes Everywhere”: User Mental Models of the Internet and Implications for Privacy and Security—a culmination of research from Ruogu Kang, Laura Dabbish, Nathaniel Fruchter and Sara Kiesler—all from CMU’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute and the Heinz College in Pittsburgh, PA.

“I try to browse through the terms and conditions but there’s so much there I really don’t retain it.” – T11

Presented at the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory’s (CUPS) 11thSymposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), their research demonstrated that even though savvy and non-savvy users of the Internet have much different perceptions of its architecture, such knowledge was not predictive of whether a user would take the necessary steps to protect their privacy online. Experience, rather, appears to play a more determinate role.

Kang, who led the team, said she was surprised by the results….(More)”

Push, Pull, and Spill: A Transdisciplinary Case Study in Municipal Open Government

New paper by Jan Whittington et al: “Cities hold considerable information, including details about the daily lives of residents and employees, maps of critical infrastructure, and records of the officials’ internal deliberations. Cities are beginning to realize that this data has economic and other value: If done wisely, the responsible release of city information can also release greater efficiency and innovation in the public and private sector. New services are cropping up that leverage open city data to great effect.

Meanwhile, activist groups and individual residents are placing increasing pressure on state and local government to be more transparent and accountable, even as others sound an alarm over the privacy issues that inevitably attend greater data promiscuity. This takes the form of political pressure to release more information, as well as increased requests for information under the many public records acts across the country.

The result of these forces is that cities are beginning to open their data as never before. It turns out there is surprisingly little research to date into the important and growing area of municipal open data. This article is among the first sustained, cross-disciplinary assessments of an open municipal government system. We are a team of researchers in law, computer science, information science, and urban studies. We have worked hand-in-hand with the City of Seattle, Washington for the better part of a year to understand its current procedures from each disciplinary perspective. Based on this empirical work, we generate a set of recommendations to help the city manage risk latent in opening its data….(More)”

Algorithms and Bias

Q. and A. With Cynthia Dwork in the New York Times: “Algorithms have become one of the most powerful arbiters in our lives. They make decisions about the news we read, the jobs we get, the people we meet, the schools we attend and the ads we see.

Yet there is growing evidence that algorithms and other types of software can discriminate. The people who write them incorporate their biases, and algorithms often learn from human behavior, so they reflect the biases we hold. For instance, research has shown that ad-targeting algorithms have shown ads for high-paying jobs to men but not women, and ads for high-interest loans to people in low-income neighborhoods.

Cynthia Dwork, a computer scientist at Microsoft Research in Silicon Valley, is one of the leading thinkers on these issues. In an Upshot interview, which has been edited, she discussed how algorithms learn to discriminate, who’s responsible when they do, and the trade-offs between fairness and privacy.

Q: Some people have argued that algorithms eliminate discriminationbecause they make decisions based on data, free of human bias. Others say algorithms reflect and perpetuate human biases. What do you think?

A: Algorithms do not automatically eliminate bias. Suppose a university, with admission and rejection records dating back for decades and faced with growing numbers of applicants, decides to use a machine learning algorithm that, using the historical records, identifies candidates who are more likely to be admitted. Historical biases in the training data will be learned by the algorithm, and past discrimination will lead to future discrimination.

Q: Are there examples of that happening?

A: A famous example of a system that has wrestled with bias is the resident matching program that matches graduating medical students with residency programs at hospitals. The matching could be slanted to maximize the happiness of the residency programs, or to maximize the happiness of the medical students. Prior to 1997, the match was mostly about the happiness of the programs.

This changed in 1997 in response to “a crisis of confidence concerning whether the matching algorithm was unreasonably favorable to employers at the expense of applicants, and whether applicants could ‘game the system,’ ” according to a paper by Alvin Roth and Elliott Peranson published in The American Economic Review.

Q: You have studied both privacy and algorithm design, and co-wrote a paper, “Fairness Through Awareness,” that came to some surprising conclusions about discriminatory algorithms and people’s privacy. Could you summarize those?

A: “Fairness Through Awareness” makes the observation that sometimes, in order to be fair, it is important to make use of sensitive information while carrying out the classification task. This may be a little counterintuitive: The instinct might be to hide information that could be the basis of discrimination….

Q: The law protects certain groups from discrimination. Is it possible to teach an algorithm to do the same?

A: This is a relatively new problem area in computer science, and there are grounds for optimism — for example, resources from the Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Machine Learning workshop, which considers the role that machines play in consequential decisions in areas like employment, health care and policing. This is an exciting and valuable area for research. …(More)”

Beyond the Common Rule: Ethical Structures for Data Research in Non-Academic Settings

Future of Privacy Forum: “In the wake of last year’s news about the Facebook “emotional contagion” study and subsequent public debate about the role of A/B Testing and ethical concerns around the use of Big Data, FPF Senior Fellow Omer Tene participated in a December symposum on corporate consumer research hosted by Silicon Flatirons. This past month, the Colorado Technology Law Journal published a series of papers that emerged out of the symposium, including “Beyond the Common Rule: Ethical Structures for Data Research in Non-Academic Settings.”

“Beyond the Common Rule,” by Jules Polonetsky, Omer Tene, and Joseph Jerome, continues the Future of Privacy Forum’s effort to build on the notion of consumer subject review boards first advocated by Ryan Calo at FPF’s 2013 Big Data symposium. It explores how researchers, increasingly in corporate settings, are analyzing data and testing theories using often sensitive personal information. Many of these new uses of PII are simply natural extensions of current practices, and are either within the expectations of individuals or the bounds of the FIPPs. Yet many of these projects could involve surprising applications or uses of data, exceeding user expectations, and offering notice and obtaining consent could may not be feasible.

This article expands on ideas and suggestions put forward around the recent discussion draft of the White House Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, which espouses “Privacy Review Boards” as a safety value for noncontextual data uses. It explores how existing institutional review boards within the academy and for human testing research could offer lessons for guiding principles, providing accountability and enhancing consumer trust, and offers suggestions for how companies — and researchers — can pursue both knowledge and data innovation responsibly and ethically….(More)”