Data Maturity Assessment for Government

UK Government: “The Data Maturity Assessment (DMA) for Government is a robust and comprehensive framework, designed by the public sector for the public sector. The DMA represents a big step forward in our shared ambition to establish and strengthen the data foundations in government by enabling a granular view of the current status of our data environments.

The systematic and detailed picture that the DMA results provide can be used to deliver value in the data function and across the enterprise. Maturity results, and the progression behaviours/features outlined in the DMA, will be essential to reviewing and setting data strategy. DMA outputs provide a way to communicate and evidence how the data ecosystem is critical to the business. When considered in the context of organisational priorities and responsibilities, DMA outputs can assist in:

  • identifying and mitigating strategic risk arising from low data maturity, and where higher maturity needs to be maintained
  • targeting and prioritising investment in the most important data initiatives
  • assuring the data environment for new services and programmes…(More)”.