AI and the automation of work

Essay by Benedict Evans: “…We should start by remembering that we’ve been automating work for 200 years. Every time we go through a wave of automation, whole classes of jobs go away, but new classes of jobs get created. There is frictional pain and dislocation in that process, and sometimes the new jobs go to different people in different places, but over time the total number of jobs doesn’t go down, and we have all become more prosperous.

When this is happening to your own generation, it seems natural and intuitive to worry that this time, there aren’t going to be those new jobs. We can see the jobs that are going away, but we can’t predict what the new jobs will be, and often they don’t exist yet. We know (or should know), empirically, that there always have been those new jobs in the past, and that they weren’t predictable either: no-one in 1800 would have predicted that in 1900 a million Americans would work on ‘railways’ and no-one in 1900 would have predicted ‘video post-production’ or ‘software engineer’ as employment categories. But it seems insufficient to take it on faith that this will happen now just because it always has in the past. How do you know it will happen this time? Is this different?

At this point, any first-year economics student will tell us that this is answered by, amongst other things, the ‘Lump of Labour’ fallacy.

The Lump of Labour fallacy is the misconception that there is a fixed amount of work to be done, and that if some work is taken by a machine then there will be less work for people. But if it becomes cheaper to use a machine to make, say, a pair of shoes, then the shoes are cheaper, more people can buy shoes and they have more money to spend on other things besides, and we discover new things we need or want, and new jobs. The efficient gain isn’t confined to the shoe: generally, it ripples outward through the economy and creates new prosperity and new jobs. So, we don’t know what the new jobs will be, but we have a model that says, not just that there always have been new jobs, but why that is inherent in the process. Don’t worry about AI!The most fundamental challenge to this model today, I think, is to say that no, what’s really been happening for the last 200 years of automation is that we’ve been moving up the scale of human capability…(More)”.

Engaging Scientists to Prevent Harmful Exploitation of Advanced Data Analytics and Biological Data

Proceedings from the National Academies of Sciences: “Artificial intelligence (AI), facial recognition, and other advanced computational and statistical techniques are accelerating advancements in the life sciences and many other fields. However, these technologies and the scientific developments they enable also hold the potential for unintended harm and malicious exploitation. To examine these issues and to discuss practices for anticipating and preventing the misuse of advanced data analytics and biological data in a global context, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened two virtual workshops on November 15, 2022, and February 9, 2023. The workshops engaged scientists from the United States, South Asia, and Southeast Asia through a series of presentations and scenario-based exercises to explore emerging applications and areas of research, their potential benefits, and the ethical issues and security risks that arise when AI applications are used in conjunction with biological data. This publication highlights the presentations and discussions of the workshops…(More)”.

How should a robot explore the Moon? A simple question shows the limits of current AI systems

Article by Sally Cripps, Edward Santow, Nicholas Davis, Alex Fischer and Hadi Mohasel Afshar: “..Ultimately, AI systems should help humans make better, more accurate decisions. Yet even the most impressive and flexible of today’s AI tools – such as the large language models behind the likes of ChatGPT – can have the opposite effect.

Why? They have two crucial weaknesses. They do not help decision-makers understand causation or uncertainty. And they create incentives to collect huge amounts of data and may encourage a lax attitude to privacy, legal and ethical questions and risks…

ChatGPT and other “foundation models” use an approach called deep learning to trawl through enormous datasets and identify associations between factors contained in that data, such as the patterns of language or links between images and descriptions. Consequently, they are great at interpolating – that is, predicting or filling in the gaps between known values.

Interpolation is not the same as creation. It does not generate knowledge, nor the insights necessary for decision-makers operating in complex environments.

However, these approaches require huge amounts of data. As a result, they encourage organisations to assemble enormous repositories of data – or trawl through existing datasets collected for other purposes. Dealing with “big data” brings considerable risks around security, privacy, legality and ethics.

In low-stakes situations, predictions based on “what the data suggest will happen” can be incredibly useful. But when the stakes are higher, there are two more questions we need to answer.

The first is about how the world works: “what is driving this outcome?” The second is about our knowledge of the world: “how confident are we about this?”…(More)”.

How to Regulate AI? Start With the Data

Article by Susan Ariel Aaronson: “We live in an era of data dichotomy. On one hand, AI developers rely on large data sets to “train” their systems about the world and respond to user questions. These data troves have become increasingly valuable and visible. On the other hand, despite the import of data, U.S. policy makers don’t view data governance as a vehicle to regulate AI.  

U.S. policy makers should reconsider that perspective. As an example, the European Union, and more than 30 other countries, provide their citizens with a right not to be subject to automated decision making without explicit consent. Data governance is clearly an effective way to regulate AI.

Many AI developers treat data as an afterthought, but how AI firms collect and use data can tell you a lot about the quality of the AI services they produce. Firms and researchers struggle to collect, classify, and label data sets that are large enough to reflect the real world, but then don’t adequately clean (remove anomalies or problematic data) and check their data. Also, few AI developers and deployers divulge information about the data they use to train AI systems. As a result, we don’t know if the data that underlies many prominent AI systems is complete, consistent, or accurate. We also don’t know where that data comes from (its provenance). Without such information, users don’t know if they should trust the results they obtain from AI. 

The Washington Post set out to document this problem. It collaborated with the Allen Institute for AI to examine Google’s C4 data set, a widely used and large learning model built on data scraped by bots from 15 million websites. Google then filters the data, but it understandably can’t filter the entire data set.  

Hence, this data set provides sufficient training data, but it also presents major risks for those firms or researchers who rely on it. Web scraping is generally legal in most countries as long as the scraped data isn’t used to cause harm to society, a firm, or an individual. But the Post found that the data set contained swaths of data from sites that sell pirated or counterfeit data, which the Federal Trade Commission views as harmful. Moreover, to be legal, the scraped data should not include personal data obtained without user consent or proprietary data obtained without firm permission. Yet the Post found large amounts of personal data in the data sets as well as some 200 million instances of copyrighted data denoted with the copyright symbol.

Reliance on scraped data sets presents other risks. Without careful examination of the data sets, the firms relying on that data and their clients cannot know if it contains incomplete or inaccurate data, which in turn could lead to problems of bias, propaganda, and misinformation. But researchers cannot check data accuracy without information about data provenance. Consequently, the firms that rely on such unverified data are creating some of the AI risks regulators hope to avoid. 

It makes sense for Congress to start with data as it seeks to govern AI. There are several steps Congress could take…(More)”.

How to Stay Smart in a Smart World

Book by Gerd Gigerenzer: “From dating apps and self-driving cars to facial recognition and the justice system, the increasing presence of AI has been widely championed – but there are limitations and risks too. In this book Gigerenzer shows how humans are often the greatest source of uncertainty and when people are involved, unwavering trust in complex algorithms can become a recipe for disaster. We need, now more than ever, to arm ourselves with knowledge that will help us make better decisions in a digital age.

Filled with practical examples and cutting-edge research, How to Stay Smart in a Smart World examines the growing role of AI at all levels of daily life with refreshing clarity. This book is a life raft in a sea of information and an urgent invitation to actively shape the world in which we want to live…(More)”.

Artificial Intelligence in Science: Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Research

OECD Report: “The rapid advances of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years have led to numerous creative applications in science. Accelerating the productivity of science could be the most economically and socially valuable of all the uses of AI. Utilising AI to accelerate scientific productivity will support the ability of OECD countries to grow, innovate and meet global challenges, from climate change to new contagions. This publication is aimed at a broad readership, including policy makers, the public, and stakeholders in all areas of science. It is written in non-technical language and gathers the perspectives of prominent researchers and practitioners. The book examines various topics, including the current, emerging, and potential future uses of AI in science, where progress is needed to better serve scientific advancements, and changes in scientific productivity. Additionally, it explores measures to expedite the integration of AI into research in developing countries. A distinctive contribution is the book’s examination of policies for AI in science. Policy makers and actors across research systems can do much to deepen AI’s use in science, magnifying its positive effects, while adapting to the fast-changing implications of AI for research governance…(More)”.

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Algorithmic Management, and Labor Law

Chapter by Pauline Kim: “Employers are increasingly relying on algorithms and AI to manage their workforces, using automated systems to recruit, screen, select, supervise, discipline, and even terminate employees. This chapter explores the effects of these systems on the rights of workers in standard work relationships, who are presumptively protected by labor laws. It examines how these new technological tools affect fundamental worker interests and how existing law applies, focusing primarily as examples on two particular concerns—nondiscrimination and privacy. Although current law provides some protections, legal doctrine has largely developed with human managers in mind, and as a result, fails to fully apprehend the risks posed by algorithmic tools. Thus, while anti-discrimination law prohibits discrimination by workplace algorithms, the existing framework has a number of gaps and uncertainties when applied to these systems. Similarly, traditional protections for employee privacy are ill-equipped to address the sheer volume and granularity of worker data that can now be collected, and the ability of computational techniques to extract new insights and infer sensitive information from that data. More generally, the expansion of algorithmic management affects other fundamental worker interests because it tends to increase employer power vis à vis labor. This chapter concludes by briefly considering the role that data protection laws might play in addressing the risks of algorithmic management…(More)”.

Barred From Grocery Stores by Facial Recognition

Article by Adam Satariano and Kashmir Hill: “Simon Mackenzie, a security officer at the discount retailer QD Stores outside London, was short of breath. He had just chased after three shoplifters who had taken off with several packages of laundry soap. Before the police arrived, he sat at a back-room desk to do something important: Capture the culprits’ faces.

On an aging desktop computer, he pulled up security camera footage, pausing to zoom in and save a photo of each thief. He then logged in to a facial recognition program, Facewatch, which his store uses to identify shoplifters. The next time those people enter any shop within a few miles that uses Facewatch, store staff will receive an alert.

“It’s like having somebody with you saying, ‘That person you bagged last week just came back in,’” Mr. Mackenzie said.

Use of facial recognition technology by the police has been heavily scrutinized in recent years, but its application by private businesses has received less attention. Now, as the technology improves and its cost falls, the systems are reaching further into people’s lives. No longer just the purview of government agencies, facial recognition is increasingly being deployed to identify shoplifters, problematic customers and legal adversaries.

Facewatch, a British company, is used by retailers across the country frustrated by petty crime. For as little as 250 pounds a month, or roughly $320, Facewatch offers access to a customized watchlist that stores near one another share. When Facewatch spots a flagged face, an alert is sent to a smartphone at the shop, where employees decide whether to keep a close eye on the person or ask the person to leave…(More)”.

Can AI help governments clean out bureaucratic “Sludge”?

Blog by Abhi Nemani: “Government services often entail a plethora of paperwork and processes that can be exasperating and time-consuming for citizens. Whether it’s applying for a passport, filing taxes, or registering a business, chances are one has encountered some form of sludge.

Sludge is a term coined by Cass Sunstein, in his straightforward book, Sludge, a legal scholar and former administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, to describe unnecessarily effortful processes, bureaucratic procedures, and other barriers to desirable outcomes in government services…

So how can sludge be reduced or eliminated in government services? Sunstein suggests that one way to achieve this is to conduct Sludge Audits, which are systematic evaluations of the costs and benefits of existing or proposed sludge. He also recommends that governments adopt ethical principles and guidelines for the design and use of public services. He argues that by reducing sludge, governments can enhance the quality of life and well-being of their citizens.

One example of sludge reduction in government is the simplification and automation of tax filing in some countries. According to a study by the World Bank, countries that have implemented electronic tax filing systems have reduced the time and cost of tax compliance for businesses and individuals. The study also found that electronic tax filing systems have improved tax administration efficiency, transparency, and revenue collection. Some countries, such as Estonia and Chile, have gone further by pre-filling tax returns with information from various sources, such as employers, banks, and other government agencies. This reduces the burden on taxpayers to provide or verify data, and increases the accuracy and completeness of tax returns.

Future Opportunities for AI in Cutting Sludge

AI technology is rapidly evolving, and its potential applications are manifold. Here are a few opportunities for further AI deployment:

  • AI-assisted policy design: AI can analyze vast amounts of data to inform policy design, identifying areas of administrative burden and suggesting improvements.
  • Smart contracts and blockchain: These technologies could automate complex procedures, such as contract execution or asset transfer, reducing the need for paperwork.
  • Enhanced citizen engagement: AI could personalize government services, making them more accessible and less burdensome.

Key Takeaways:

  • AI could play a significant role in policy design, contract execution, and citizen engagement.
  • These technologies hold the potential to significantly reduce sludge…(More)”.