Policy brief: Generative AI

Policy Brief by Ann Kristin Glenster, and Sam Gilbert: “The rapid rollout of generative AI models, and public attention to Open AI’s ChatGPT, has raised concerns about AI’s impact on the economy and society. In the UK, policy-makers are looking to large language models and other so-called foundation models as ways to potentially improve economic productivity.

This policy brief outlines which policy levers could support those goals. The authors argue that the UK should pursue becoming a global leader in applying generative AI to the economy. Rather than use public support for building new foundation models, the UK could support the growing ecosystem of startups that develop new applications for these models, creating new products and services.

This policy brief answers three key questions:

  1. What policy infrastructure and social capacity does the UK need to lead and manage deployment of responsible generative AI (over the long term)?
  2. What national capability does the UK need for large-scale AI systems in the short- and medium-term?
  3. What governance capacity does the UK need to deal with fast moving technologies, in which large uncertainties are a feature, not a bug?…(More)”.